保护地栽培喜见成果 八米跨管式塑料大棚通过鉴定

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用塑料大棚种植蔬菜,是解决城镇居民吃菜问题的有效途径。为此,近年来塑料大棚发展很快。但由于多系各地自行建造,各种结构骨架规格不一,并需自行筹料加工,造成很多困难。在结构上又多数存在抗风、抗雪能力较差的问题。每年因风雪灾害而毁坏的相当不少,损失较大。此外,棚的用钢量也大,且不耐腐蚀,不能由工厂集中生产,因而在一定程度上又限制了各地塑料大棚的进一步发展。为解决上述问题,推进我国的保护地栽培事业,由中国农业工程研究设计院环境室承担了设 Growing vegetables in plastic sheds is an effective way to solve the problem of urban residents eating vegetables. To this end, the rapid development of plastic shed in recent years. However, due to the multi-departmental construction around the various structures of different specifications, and the need to prepare their own materials processing, resulting in many difficulties. Most of the structural problems exist in wind resistance and snow resistance. Every year due to the snowstorm damage quite a lot, the greater the loss. In addition, the amount of steel shed is also large, and not resistant to corrosion, can not be concentrated in the factory production, which to some extent, and limit the further development of plastic greenhouses around. In order to solve the above problems and promote the cultivation of protected areas in China, the Environment Department of China Agricultural Engineering Research and Design Institute assumed
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近一、二年来,我们收到好多读者来信,问到葡萄盆栽技术。现在请我所葡萄研究室的同志解答如下。 In the last year or two, we received many letters from readers and ask
我们在1981年花生高产栽培试验创亩产879斤的基础上,1982继续在我县黄亭市公社金丰大队山冲油茶场进行试验,探索花生高产栽培技术。经省、地、县有关部门验收,1号试验田 1.0