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原湖北省档案局副局长、离休干部,中共党员徐在心同志,因病医治无效,于2006年5月 12日16点35分在武昌病逝,享年78岁。徐在心同志是河北武邑县人,青年时期投身革命,参加过抗日战争和解放战争,为民族独立和解放事业作出了积极贡献。全国解放后,在中共湖北省委办公厅、湖北省档案局、中共中南局办公厅、湖北省档案馆等单位工作,历任科长、处长、馆长,副局长等职,为湖北省档案事业的发展,倾注了满腔热情和毕生心血。徐在心同志严于律己,宽以待人,艰苦朴素,关心群众,深受同志们尊敬和爱戴。本刊特别刊出徐在心之子徐珠的这篇文章,以表达对徐在心同志的纪念之情。 Former deputy director of Hubei Province Archives, retired cadres, Communist Party members Comrade Xu Zhaixin, invalid for medical treatment, at 16:35 on May 12, 2006 died in Wuchang, at the age of 78 years. Comrade Xu Zhaixin was a member of Wuyi County in Hebei Province. He joined the revolution in his youth, participated in the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation and made positive contributions to the cause of national independence and liberation. After the liberation of the People's Republic of China, he worked at the General Office of Hubei Provincial Party Committee of Hubei Province, the Archives Bureau of Hubei Province, the General Office of Central South Bureau of CPC, and the archives hall of Hubei Province, and served successively as Chief, Director, Curator and Deputy Director of Hubei Provincial Archives Career development, devoted full of enthusiasm and life-long devotion. Comrade Xu Zhaixin is strict with his own law, treating others with leniency, being arduous and simple, caring about the masses and being deeply respected and loved by his comrades. This magazine features a special publication of this article in the heart of the son of Xu Xu Zhu heart to express Comrade Xu in the heart of the memory of the situation.
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