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如何发挥自身优势为经济建设服务,是科协的一项重要任务。5年来,中国科协在这方面进行了大胆探索和实践,并取得了显著成就。为西部发展服务的西部论坛,1996年,中国科协结合国家准备实施西部大开发战略的形势,组织中国地理学会等34个全国性学会及陕西、四川等10省(区、市)科协召开了“我国西部地区经济发展战略学术研讨会”。会议以西部地区经济发展为主题,从水利与能源、交通运输、农业与农村经济、产业结构与产业布局、城镇建设与布局、生态与环境、经济发展战略与对策等7个方面就我国西部地区“九五”期间和到2010年的中长期发展问题进行了交流和研讨,形成了《关于加快我国西部地区开发的建议》。从1998年以来,中国科协先后在昆明、西安和重 How to give full play to its own advantages to serve economic construction is an important task of the CAST. Over the past five years, China Association for Science and Technology has conducted bold exploration and practice in this regard and made remarkable achievements. In 1996, China Association for Science and Technology Association organized 34 national societies such as China Society of Geography and other 15 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in Shaanxi, Sichuan and other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) jointly organized with the state in preparation for the implementation of the strategy for the development of the western region. “China's western region economic development strategy seminar ”. The conference focused on the economic development in the western region. From the seven aspects of water conservancy and energy, transportation, agriculture and rural economy, industrial structure and industrial layout, urban construction and layout, ecology and environment, economic development strategies and countermeasures, During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period and the medium and long-term development issues till 2010, the “Suggestions on Accelerating the Development of Western Areas in China” was formed. Since 1998, China Association for Science and Technology has in Kunming, Xi'an and heavy
今天,我们班举行了一次邮票展览。我被一张画面上有新疆喀纳斯湖的纪念邮票深深吸引了,思绪一下子飞到了美丽的家乡——新疆。 Today, our class held a stamp exhibition.
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1.直接代入例1 当a=1/2,b=-3时,求代数式a2- 2ab+b2的值.分析对于较简单的代数式求值,只要把字母的取值直接代入即可.解当a=1/2,b=-3时, a2-2ab+b2 =(1/2)2-2×(1/2)×(-3)+(-3)
我是小海豚:看我的眼睛,多招人疼爱!小鸡:我就不用自我介绍了吧,我可是离大家最近的小动物,我可爱吗? I am a dolphin: look at my eyes, more attractive! Chicken: I do n