
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsfaxfdsrfdx
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去年,省直各部门认真贯彻黑政办发[1992]1号和黑政办函[1992]81号文件精神,在精简文件、简报和加快办文节奏方面,取得了一定成效。但是,目前省直机关中的上下行文、内部行文、重复发文、发文升级等不必要行文的文牍主义现象,以及办文拖拉、互相扯皮、效率不高的问题仍然很严重。为转变机关工作作风,改进机关工作方式,适应加快改革开放和经济建设,建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,根据省政府主要领导同志的指示,现就进一步压缩文件和提高办文效率作如下通知:一、省政府领导同志在各种会议上的讲话,会上已印发,不再发文;会上没有印发或会后有重大修改确需印发的,由会议主办单位印发。 Last year, the departments directly under the Central Government conscientiously implemented the spirit of the document [2001] No.1 of the Hei Zheng Ban Fa [1992] and the No. 81 Document of the Hei Zheng Ban [1992], and achieved some success in streamlining their documents, briefings and speeding up their essays. However, at present, there is still a serious problem of unwarranted rhetoric in the provincial organs and departments such as impersonality, internal prosecution, repetition of documents, escalation of postings and so on, as well as clumsy and inefficient prosecutions. In order to change the work style of the organs, improve the working methods of the organs, adapt to the requirements of speeding up reform, opening up and economic construction and establishing a socialist market economic system, according to the instructions of the leading leaders of the provincial government, we hereby make the following notice on further compressing the documents and improving the efficiency of writing : 1. The speech made by the leaders of the provincial government at various meetings has been issued at the conference and no longer issued a document. If there are any major changes that need to be made after the conference or meeting, the conference organizers will issue the speech.
在丹东抗美援朝纪念馆 2000平方米的露天兵器场,陈列着一架标有`中国人民志愿空军’字样并涂有 9颗红星的米格 15喷气式歼击机,吸引着大批中外游客前来参观. 1950年美军入侵
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