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五彩爆裂玉米是1992年我国科研部门从美国引进的一个多穗型珍稀特异玉米新品种,株高1.3米,单株分蘖高达12株,株结穗20个,一穗中籽粒呈红、黄、粉、红、蓝五彩颜色。株产玉米籽粒0.4—0.5kg,亩产350—400kg,最高可达550kg。生育期90余天,南方春、夏、秋三季可种,北方也可种二季。 五彩爆裂玉米穗小,籽粒也小,但品质特优,质地松软,美味可口,营养丰富。玉米粒可爆玉米花,也可加工成面粉做糕点或其它食品,玉米笋可做罐头,鲜玉米也很受消费者欢迎。 Colorful burst of corn is a new type of multi-spike rare and special maize introduced by the scientific research department of our country from the United States in 1992. The plant height is 1.3 meters, the number of tillers per plant is up to 12, and the number of plants is 20. The grains in one spike are red, Pink, red and blue colorful. Produced corn grain 0.4-0.5kg, per mu 350-400kg, up to 550kg. More than 90 days of growth period, the southern spring, summer and autumn can be planted in three seasons, the north can also be planted. Colorful burst corn ear is small, the grain is small, but the quality premium, soft texture, delicious, nutritious. Corn kernels can be popcorn, can also be processed into flour, cakes or other food, canned corn shoots, fresh corn is also very popular with consumers.