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  It was the biggest slug1 I’d ever seen—five inches of black creepy2. So crawly3! It lookedlike a snail without its shell. I’d nearly stepped on it as I climbed a hill above the lake in Scotland called Loch Ness.
  “Slugs grow big here,” my companion said. “And our hunt may be for the grandfather of them all—a giant sea slug.”
  My guide was Clem Skelton. He belongs to a group that is trying to track down Nessie. What is Nessie ? No one knows for sure.But Nessie is the nickname for the famous Loch Ness Monster.
  Skelton has seen the strange creature six times. But, as always, Nessie disappeared before he could take a close look.
  More than one slippery4 creature is said to be living in Loch Ness. In any case, people have reported seeing a humped5 “what-is-it” for over 30 years.
  For a long time the mysterious monster was considered just a joke. But things changed in 1966.Then, some photo experts of the Royal Air Force reported on their study of a film of the “monster”.They said that there really is some huge object in Loch Ness—and it’s probably alive!
  The man who “caught” Nessie on film was Tim Dinsdale. One day in 1960 he was driving slowly along a road above the black water of Loch Ness.Suddenly, he spotted a reddish6-brown, humpbacked object floating about 1 600 yards away.
  He hurriedly stopped his car and grabbed his camera. The thing began moving toward the far shore. Dinsdale filmed what he was sure was the back of a huge animal. It was half in and half out of the water. The creature swam away in a slow zigzag7 course. Soon it disappeared in a giant splash8 of foam9. But Tim Dinsdale had Nessie’s picture on 40 feet of film!
  The film was shown on TV programs all over the world. Unfortunately, scientists who study animalsonly laughed about Nessie. But a small group of interested people decided to investigate further. They set up the Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau. In 1964, the group gave Dinsdale’s film to the photo experts of the Royal Air Force.
  What a strange-looking animal it seemed to be! Somenatural scientists say it looks like a reptile from the time of the dinosaurs. This giant reptile of long ago grew to a 30-foot length. Its body was shaped like a barrel, with four paddle-like legs. Above its long slender neck was a tiny head with a large mouth filled with pointed teeth.
  Most scientists agree that Nessie is neither a whale nor a shark. They think that it could be a huge, unknown kind of sea slug. The small garden slug can stretch its body to enter worm holes. So, a sea slug could shape its body into the one, two, three or more humps that different people say they have seen.
  How did Nessie get into Loch Ness? From the sea, all say. Untill the end of the last Ice Age, the lake was an arm of the sea. Then the ice on the rugged rocks melted. The earth’s crust rose, leaving the lake separated from the sea.
  The lake’s gloomy bottom is well-stocked with fish. What a perfect place for a settlement of monsters!
  Today the surface of Loch Ness is 52 feet above sea level. The lake is about 23 miles long. It is one of the deepest lakes in Europe. The water never freezes. There is a wealth of salmon, trout, eels, pike. All this adds up to good living for the shy giant of Loch Ness.
  In such ways, we are closing in on the Loch Ness Monsters. Someday we may find out how many there are. When we learn their habits, we can find how to protect and preserve them. Who knows? You yourself may someday have a chance to view the world’s most famous monster—Nessie of Loch Ness .

  克莱姆·斯凯尔顿是我的向导。他是“追踪‘尼西’小组”的成员。“尼西”到底是什么呢?没有人知道具体的答案,但是这似乎是人们给著名的 “尼斯湖水怪”起的绰号。
  用胶片“捕捉”到“尼西”的人叫蒂姆·丁斯代尔。1960年的一天,他正沿着黑黝黝的尼斯湖畔的道路缓慢地开着汽车。突然,他发现距离自己1 600码的湖面上浮动着一个红褐色的驼峰般的东西。
  左岸 摘译自 Discover