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4月22日,平安人寿向因患“非典”身故的某女士家属发出5万元身故保险金的认领通知,这是北京市首位获赔的“非典”投保人。据不完全统计,目前,全国已有70余位患者得到赔付,金额近40万元。来自监管部门的消息说,一些保险公司已陆续向保监会申请开办与非典型肺炎相关的险种。其中,太平人寿的产品已率先获得了批准,将于近日上市。据介绍,该女士在1996年投保了保险金额为5万元的平安重大疾病保险,这个险种具有身故责任。今年4月14日,该女士因患非典型肺炎病故,经过确认,公司决定依照保险责任赔付身故保险金。近日,太平人寿北京分公司的工作人员表示,该公司一款有关非典型肺炎的产品已经获得保监会批准,预计一周内就可以与市民见面。中国保险监督管理委员会有关负责人表示,“理论上,对于 On April 22, Ping An Life Insurance issued a notice of claiming the death benefit of 50,000 yuan for a woman’s family member who died of ”SARS“, which is the first ”SARS“ applicant in Beijing. According to incomplete statistics, at present, more than 70 patients nationwide have been paid the sum of nearly 400,000 yuan. According to the news from the regulatory authorities, some insurance companies have applied to the CIRC one after another for insurance against atypical pneumonia. Among them, Taiping Life’s products have been the first to get approved, will be listed in the near future. According to reports, the lady insured in 1996 insurance amount of 50,000 yuan for the major illness insurance, this insurance has the responsibility to death. April 14 this year, the lady died of atypical pneumonia, after confirmation, the company decided to pay the death benefits in accordance with the insurance liability. Recently, the staff of the Beijing branch of Taiping Life Insurance Co., Ltd. said that the company’s product on SARS has obtained the approval of the CIRC and is expected to meet with the public within a week. China Insurance Regulatory Commission official said, ”In theory, for
2003年2月26日下午,广州房协年会“春茗联谊会”在番禺长隆酒店隆重举行。对于今年的房地产市场的发展情况,来自广州地产届的几位CEO在会上畅谈了他们自己的看法。 On the a
2005年11月26 ̄30日,中国电子学会有线电视综合信息技术分会和消费电子分会在四川成都联合举办了“2005年中国数字电视与网络发展高峰论坛”暨“第十三届全国有线电视综合信息