Human cyclosporiosis in Turkey

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:studentOfJXUFE
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Six patients infected with Cyclospora cayetanensis who sought medical care at three different hospitals in Turkey are herein presented. Four patients were male and the others were female and their ages ranged from 7 to 62 years. The first patient was HIV-positive and presented with watery diarrhea with a frequency of up to 18 times a day for more than ten months and diagnosed as cyclosporiosis in Kayseri, 1996.The second patient was also HIV positive and diagnosed as cyclosporiosis in Kayseri, 2000. The third patient was an acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) patient and diagnosed in Istanbul, 2000. The fourth patient was idiopathic hepatic cirrhosis complaining of diarrhea and weakness and diagnosed in Kayseri, 2001. The fifth and sixth patients were immunocompetent patients complaining of diarrhea and diagnosed in Izmir and Kayseri, 2002. Diarrhea occurring from one to ten times a day continued for 7 to 70 d in the last 5 patients. Treatment with a trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole compound was done for all patients. Both symptomatic and parasitologic improvements were quickly observed. In summary, C. cayetanensis infection is rare in Turkey and most patients infected with this pathogen tend to be immunosuppressive individuals at present.
Inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver is a rare benign lesion that can mimic a malignant liver neoplasm. A case of inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver found i
1 临床资料  患者男,78岁,既往健康。2年前出现小便后头晕、心慌、心悸,手指麻木等感觉,同时血压升高,高达180/110 mm Hg,口服降压药后上述症状缓解。3月前来入住本院,行肾脏及肾上腺CT检查,未见异常。怀疑肾上腺外嗜铬细胞瘤,化验尿儿茶酚胺含量较正常值升高12倍,24 h尿香草扁桃酸(﹢),膀胱彩超检查示膀胱左侧壁内可探及一低回声结节,大小约2.7 cm×2.2 cm,边界尚清,内回