Transforming growth factor-β1 gene polymorphisms associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disea

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaa110122
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Aim: To determine the frequencies of polymorphism and haplotype in the transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-1) gene promoter in the Chinese population and to investigate the susceptibility of this population to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: The target fragments of the TGF-1 gene promoter were amplified and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism technique in 84 COPD patients and 97 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. The test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was performed using HWE program of the LINKUTIL package and statistical analysis was carried out with the SPSS statistical package. An expectation maximization algorithm was used for the pairwise linkage disequilibrium test and haplotype analysis. Results: More carriers of the -800A allele, or fewer carriers of the -509T allele, were detected in the COPD patients compared with the non-symptomatic control subjects [for the -800A allele, 29.8% vs 14.4%, respectively, x~2=6.257, degrees of freedom (df)=l, P=0.012; for the -509T allele, 27.3% vs 44.3%, respectively,x~2=5.582, df=l, P=0.018]. The prevalence of the -800A allele was significantly higher in the COPD patients than in control subjects OP=0.009), whereas the frequency of the -509T allele was significantly higher in control subjects than in the COPD patients (P=0.008). In addition, this distribution tendency for the -800A or -509T allele was similar in heavy smokers (smoking history 鈮?0 pack years); (number of packs of cigarettes per day multiplied by the number of years of smoking) X~2=7.235, P=0.007, and X~2=5.636, P=0.018, respectively). The linkage disequilibrium was found between -800 G鈫扐 and -509 C鈫扵 (D>0.60,P<0.0001), and the frequency of the AC haplotype, consisting of the least common base at -800 and the most common base at -509, was significantly higher in patients with COPD than in controls (0.056 vs 0.021, P<0.05). Conclusions: The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the TGF-1 gene promoter might be associated with COPD, and the -800A/-509C haplotype is possibly one of the susceptibility factors for COPD. Aim: To determine the frequencies of polymorphism and haplotype in the transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-1) gene promoter in the Chinese population and to investigate the susceptibility of this population to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: The target fragments of the TGF-1 gene promoter were amplified and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism technique in 84 COPD patients and 97 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. The test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was performed using HWE program of the LINKUTIL package and statistical analysis was carried out with the SPSS statistical package. An expectation maximization algorithm was used for the pairwise linkage disequilibrium test and haplotype analysis. Results: More carriers of the -800A allele, or fewer carriers of the-509T allele, were detected in the COPD patients compared with the non-symptomatic control subjects [for the -800A allele, 29.8% vs 14.4%, respectively, For the -509T allele, 27.3% vs 44.3%, respectively, x ~ 2 = 5.582, df = l, P = 0.018]. The prevalence of the -800A allele was significantly higher in the COPD patients than in control subjects OP = 0.009), the frequency of the -509T allele was significantly higher in control subjects than in the COPD patients (P = 0.008). In addition, this distribution tendency for the -800A or -509T allele was similar in heavy smokers (smoking history niobium 0 pack years); (number of packs of cigarettes per day multiplied by the number of years of smoking) X ~ 2 = 7.235, P = 0.007, and X ~ 2 = 5.636, P = 0.018, respectively). The linkage disequilibrium was found between -800 G 扐 and -509 C 鈫 扵 (D> 0.60, P <0.0001), and the frequency of the AC haplotype , consisting of the least common base at -800 and the most common base at -509, was significantly higher in patients with COPD than in controls (0.056 vs 0.021, P <0.05). Conclusions: The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the TGF-1 gene promoter might be associated with COPD, and the -800A / -509C haplotype is one of the susceptibility factors for COPD.
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东 巩镇是湖北省南漳县独一无二的产煤大镇 ,在这个小有名气的镇上 ,出了一位名副其实的煤炭大老板 ,他叫周良谟 ,今年36岁。他有胆有识 ,依靠灵活的经营机制和科学的管理手段
一天,我带着小洲、凯丽和三猪一起出门。车上,三猪突然冒出一句:“妈,小宝宝是从哪里来的?”   在两个什么都明白的大孩子面前,我有点儿犹豫该怎么跟他讲。踌躇间,凯丽率先对弟弟说:“以后学校会专门上课讲的,到时候你就明白了。”真是一个聪明的姐姐啊!没等我松口气,三猪锲而不舍地追问:“我现在就想知道!”哥哥小洲从前座回过头,中肯地建议:“你到图书馆借书看吧,这个问题别人不太容易说明白……”这个主意好
1 Problem and algorithmMANY computing tasks arising from computational physics, chemistry and biology are relatedto solving so-called generalized eigen-decompo