高起点 高标准 建立现代职业教育体系

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近年来,自治区党委、政府全面贯彻党的教育方针,采取了一系列强有力的政策和措施,高起点、高标准、大气魄推进职业教育跨越式发展。一是完善制度安排,建立统筹推进机制。建立了加快发展职业教育工作联席会议制度,制定了特殊优惠政策,实现了中等职业教育全免学费。二是优化资源配置,建立长效发展机制。组建了10所高职学院,30所中职学校。同时将人力资源开发、农村劳动力转移培训、技术培训与推广、扶贫开发等有机结合,最大限度发挥培训资源的效应。三是加强基础能力建设,实现跨越式发展。重点建设自治区职业教育园区。目前已整合入住学校16所,在校生7万人。80% In recent years, the party committees and governments in the autonomous region have fully implemented the party’s education policy and adopted a series of strong policies and measures to promote the leap-forward development of vocational education with a high starting point, a high standard and a broad sense of spirit. First, improve the institutional arrangements, the establishment of co-ordination promotion mechanism. The system of accelerating the development of the joint conference on vocational education was established and special preferential policies were formulated to realize the free tuition for secondary vocational education. Second, optimize the allocation of resources and establish a long-term development mechanism. Set up 10 vocational colleges, 30 secondary vocational schools. At the same time, human resources development, rural labor force transfer training, technical training and promotion, poverty alleviation and development should be organically integrated to maximize the effect of training resources. Third, we must strengthen basic capabilities and achieve leapfrog development. Key construction of autonomous region vocational education park. Has now integrated into the school 16, 70,000 students. 80%
教学模式是在一定教学思想和教学理论指导下建立起来的,在教学过程中比较稳定的教学程序及其方法、策略体系。本文就网页制作课程采用新的教学模式谈一些自己的观点。 Teach
As reported in a recent issue of Nature (Aug. 15,2002), two Chinese scientists pinpoint their newly discovered fossil fish as the most direct piece of evidence
1984年和1996年。南黄海发生6.2级和6.1级地震时,南通地震台在地震速报及震后应急诸方面表现突出,受到当地政府和省地震局的嘉奖记功的奖励。 在漫漫的30年中,南通台的历任