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机电专业是社会物质文明发展的产物,伴随着工业革命的发展而不断壮大,在现代科技领域、社会领域、交通领域、军事领域等方面起着重要的作用。我国加入WTO后,机电产品的出口占出口总值的40%以上,这为机电行业的振兴提供了难得的机遇。在新形势下我们要培养同21世纪我国社会主义现代化建设相适应的具有综合职业能力和全面素质的,直接扎根在生产、服务、技术和管理第一线的应用型人才,我校机电专业的素质教育正是紧紧 The electromechanical profession is the product of the development of social material civilization. With the development of the industrial revolution, the electromechanical profession is constantly expanding. It plays an important role in modern science and technology, social fields, transportation and military fields. After China’s accession to the WTO, exports of mechanical and electrical products account for more than 40% of the total export value, which provides a rare opportunity for the revitalization of the electromechanical industry. Under the new situation, we should cultivate applied talents with comprehensive professional ability and overall quality that are directly compatible with the socialist modernization in the 21st century in the first line of production, service, technology and management. Quality education is tight
此文叙述了转向螺母锻模块液态模锻工艺及特点,对该工艺及模具设计作了较详细的分析研究。 This paper describes the liquid die forging process and characteristics of
The traditional one-dimensional ultrasonic beam steering has time delay and is thus a complicated problem. A numerical model of ultrasonic beam steering using N
日前 ,江苏省淮阴县韩桥乡电管站 (供电营业所 )站长蒋启新被评为淮阴市劳动模范。蒋启新同志 1994年从外乡调任韩桥乡电管站站长后 ,大胆管理 ,努力工作 ,当年就实现扭亏为
测量了Fe77Cr7B16非晶晶化过程居里温度Tc变化和Mossbauer透射谱.计算了磁超精细场分布P(H).讨论了Fe77Cr7B16非晶晶化过程中非晶基体交换作用的变化 The Curie temperature Tc
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拉·孔布 .H.( Henri L a Combe,1 91 3- 1 2 - 2 4~  )法国海洋学家。 1 91 3年 1 2月 2 4日生于尼姆。曾就读于尼斯公立学校、巴黎圣路易斯公立学校、巴黎综合工科学校。 1