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做好新时期企业“安康杯”竞赛活动工作,对于维护职工生命安全和促进企业安全健康发展意义重大。因此,按照全国“安康杯”竞赛组委会的通知精神,围绕“科学发展抓预防,预防为主重教育”竞赛主题,使“安康杯”工作自始自终处于营造竞赛氛围、丰富竞赛内容、发挥竞赛作用三环节。笔者就多年从事企业“安康杯”竞赛工作的实践,谈谈如何做好新时期企业“安康杯”竞赛的体会。一、努力营造“安康杯”竞赛活动氛围。营造竞赛氛围是提高“安康杯”竞赛工作认识的前提,因此,工会要加强与安环等有关部门的联系,将安全宣传工作日常化,营造加强安全生 Doing a good job in the enterprise “Ankang Cup” contest activities in the new era is of great significance to safeguarding the life safety of workers and promoting the safety, healthy development of the enterprise. Therefore, in accordance with the circular of the National Committee of “Healthy Food” Competition Organizing Committee, around the theme of “focusing on prevention and prevention of scientific development, focusing on education”, the work of “Health and Wellness Cup” Competition atmosphere, rich competition content, play the role of competition three links. The author has been engaged in the practice of enterprise “Ankang Cup” for many years and talked about how to do well the competition of “Ankang Cup” in the new era. First, strive to create “Ankang Cup ” atmosphere of the contest. Creating a competitive atmosphere is a precondition for raising awareness of the “Ankang Cup” contest. Therefore, the trade unions should strengthen their contact with relevant departments such as Annhuan, normalize safety publicity work and create a safe life
0 引言颈椎病主要是颈椎椎间盘的退变,椎体退行性改变,骨质增生骨刺形成,继发性椎管狭窄等刺激和压迫邻近血管神经及相关软组织引起多种症状和体征的一组病症.除有手术指征外
1 发病情况及症状某专业户饲养8000羽三黄鸡,开放果园式饲养.鸡群7日龄用鸡IBD疫苗饮水免疫,15日龄用鸡新城疫II系饮水免疫.19日龄发现少数鸡出现呼吸道症状,疑为感冒,用枝原
1 发病情况 2000年10月11日,黄庄孟&#215;饲养蛋雏1 000只,55日龄.主诉:这批鸡40日龄得过鸡痘,52日龄时因刮大风,鸡群中有少数鸡打喷嚏,眼流泪,吃食减少,且日渐严重, 很多鸡