应用实验室检测方法推测 HIV-1发生率

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推测 HIV-1在各类人群中的发生率(新 HIV-1发生率),对了解目前 HIV 的传播方式,确定高危人群,监控预防措施效果和减少 HIV-1感染至关重要。近来通过实验室检测方法区分近期和长期感染,已经使监测 HIV-1发生率成为现实。基于近期感染者和长期感染者抗体滴度的不同,大多数方法普遍根据早期 HIV-1感染血清转化过程中,抗体滴度水平、抗体亲和力、抗体类型或亚型不同,以及抗原决定簇不同的特征来判断。这种敏感/减敏(S/LS)的实验室检测方法只需要简单的检测工具,就可横向的在调查人群中发现近期感染者。然而实践表明,这种方法受到包括亚型的稳定性、变异度和有检测价值的“窗口期”变量等各项指标的限制。最近我们研发了又一种检测方法,即捕捉 IgG 的BED-EIA 方法,发现 HIV-IgG 抗体水平与机体内 IgG 的整体水平成比例升高,并证实可以用于发现近期感染者。它还可检测到不同的亚型具有比较一致和相似的窗口期。目前这一方法已在市场上应用,用来测算 HIV-1发生率。由于目前 HIV 亚型的不同和 HIV 流行范围的迅速扩张,因此选择适用性强的方法,应用于检测不同亚型,并广泛应用于推测重大发生率,分析对比各类人群之间的发生趋势至关重要。 Given the prevalence of HIV-1 in all types of people (new HIV-1 incidence), it is important to understand the current patterns of HIV transmission, identify at-risk populations, monitor the effectiveness of preventative measures and reduce HIV-1 infection. Recent laboratory tests to distinguish between recent and long-term infections have made monitoring the HIV-1 incidence a reality. Based on the antibody titers of recently infected and those with longer-term infections, most of the methods are commonly based on the level of antibody titer, antibody affinity, antibody type or subtype, and antigenic determinants in the seroconversion process of early HIV-1 infection Features to judge. This sensitive / desensitization (S / LS) laboratory test requires only simple testing tools to allow late-detection of newly infected individuals in the surveyed population. However, practice shows that this method is limited by various indicators, including the stability of subtypes, the degree of variation and the value of “window period ” with testing value. We have recently developed another test, the BED-EIA method of capturing IgG, and found that the level of HIV-IgG antibody increases in proportion to the overall level of IgG in the body and that it can be used to detect recent infections. It can also detect that different subtypes have a more consistent and similar window period. This method is currently used in the market to measure the incidence of HIV-1. Due to the current HIV subtypes and the rapid expansion of the HIV epidemic range, a more adoptive approach was chosen to detect different subtypes and is widely used to predict major morbidity rates by comparing trends among populations to Important.
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