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开展“百城万店无假货”活动,贵在参与,重在行动。这项活动的发起单位之一——大连百货大楼,以切实维护消费者合法权益和重塑国营商业新形象的高度责任感与敬业精神,向社会庄重地推出了商品打假10项新招法包括:1、总经理与商品部经理签订“无假货”责任状。2、总经理奖金同“无假货”挂钩。发现一件假冒商品,当月总经理奖金全免,并株连主管业务副总经理、业务部部长、商场经理、商场业务副经理、质量跟踪站负责人、业务员、班组长等责任者,取消其当月全部奖金。3、经销假冒商品的商场经理就地免职。4、打假“捉一奖一”。凡光顾本店的消费者,一经发现和查实所购商品是假冒商品,商店给予一倍金额的奖励。5、卖假货自动摘匾。6、谁卖假货谁掏腰包。凡出现经销假冒商品,“捉一奖一”的款额,由经销责任者自己掏腰包赔偿。7、卖假冒商品的营业员,发生3次者解除劳动合同。8、 Undertake “100 cities without counterfeit goods shop” activities, your participation, focusing on action. One of the sponsors of this event, Dalian Department Store, solemnly launched 10 new countervailing measures against counterfeiting products in the community with a high sense of responsibility and dedication to effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and reshaping the new state-owned commercial business. These include: 1, the general manager and the manager of the goods signed a “no fake” responsibility status. 2, the general manager bonus with “no fake” linked. Found a counterfeit goods, the total cash bonus of the general manager of the month, and even with the deputy general manager in charge of business, business department manager, mall manager, vice president of shopping malls, quality tracking station responsible person, clerk, team leader and other responsible persons, abolished The whole month bonus. 3, distribution of counterfeit goods mall manager in place. 4, crackdown “catch a prize one.” Where patronize the shop’s consumers, once discovered and verified the purchase of goods is counterfeit goods, shops give double the amount of rewards. 5, selling fake automatic plaque. 6, who sell fake pocket money. Where there is the distribution of counterfeit goods, “catch a prize one” of the amount, by the distributor responsible for their own pocket compensation. 7, selling counterfeit goods salesperson, occurred three times to terminate the labor contract. 8,
 由中国科学院主办、中国科学技术大学承办的“第二届全国化学地球动力学高级研讨会”于 2000年 2月 15~ 17日在安徽省合肥市举行。来自中国科学院、教育部和国土资源部下属
Fluorite mineralization occurs along fractures and cracks of Middle Eocene and Pliocene limestones and marls in the north and northeast of the Pohrenk region (
1998年10月~1999年3月,我们采用莪术油葡萄糖注射液(下简称莪术油)治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻68例,并与病毒唑治疗58例作对照,疗效良好,未见不良反应,现报告如下。1 临床资料11 一
一、领导重视,周密组织,把“百城万店无假货”活动作为思想道德教育新的切入点,以此为契机,再塑国有商业新形象 “百城万店无假货”活动是巩固国有商业主渠道、净化社会风气
(据中国科学技术信息研究所 2 0 0 0年 1 1月报告 )名次期刊名称总被引频次名次期刊名称影响因子1地质论评 6 2 41矿床地质 1 4872地理学报 5 97 2第四纪研究 1 1953地质学报