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眼镜,长期以来很多人只把它当作改善视力的工具。而一些知识阶层的男士与女士又常常沮丧由于戴上近视眼镜使其再美的明眸也不会像往日那样亮丽,所以不愿戴眼镜。其实,合适的佩戴眼镜,不仅能矫正视力,扩大视野,遮阳保健,还能产生美化装饰的效应,眼镜,同时也是一种美化容貌的装饰品。用眼镜美化自己,已成为当今社会的文明时尚。佩戴一副款式新颖,与脸型、肤色协调的眼镜,可以增添秀美之气,给人以温和、潇洒、稳重、成熟之感。眼为五官之首,眼镜一戴,整个脸部形象都变了,其仪表堂堂、风度翩翩、神韵奕奕之美都在其中了。特别是当眼镜闯入“男人的世界”之后,对男士的面庞更显其修饰的特殊作用。一位并无浓眉大眼、相貌平平的男士是“淡而无味”,不会引人注目的。一旦他配上一副优雅合适的眼镜,就极易给人以文质彬彬、博学多识、很有修养的印象。它还可以掩饰眼 Glasses, for a long time many people only think of it as a tool to improve vision. And some intellectuals, men and women are often frustrated because wear bright glasses to make it beautiful eyes will not be as bright as in the past, so do not want to wear glasses. In fact, the right to wear glasses, not only can correct vision, expand their horizons, shade health care, but also to produce the effect of beautification decoration, glasses, but also a beautify appearance decorations. With glasses to beautify themselves, has become a civilized fashion in today’s society. Wear a fashionable, and face, color-coordinated glasses, you can add beauty, give a gentle, chic, steady, mature sense. The eyes of the first facial features, wearing a glasses, the entire face image has changed, and its dignified, graceful, vivid beauty are among them. Especially when the glasses break into the “man’s world”, the face of the men even more special role in its modification. A gentleman who does not have a thick eyebrow and looks fair is “light and tasteless” and will not attract attention. Once he is accompanied by a pair of elegant and appropriate glasses, it is easy to give a gentle, knowledgeable, very cultured impression. It can also cover up the eyes
夫妻之情是开不败的花,只有心才是永远拆不散的家——我与老公的年龄虽属同庚,但容颜 Couples love is undefeated flowers, only the heart is forever unraveling home -
人到而立,肌肤可能没有二十岁时那么细腻光洁了,但是成熟的韵味,自信的魅力却一点点地散发了出来,耐人寻味…… People standing, the skin may not be so smooth and tidy
①选用比肤色稍浅一号的粉底打底,并轻扑蜜粉;腮骨上刷淡褐色阴影粉,使整个脸型接近蛋形。 ① choose a slightly lighter than the color of the foundation backing, and
皮尔·卡丹,圣·罗朗,POLO,MEXX……它们已经不属于法国或美国,这些风华绝代的名牌属于整个世界,属于全人类。 Pierre Cardin, Saint Laurent, POLO, MEXX ... ... They are