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凡需用机油类,如柴油、煤油或汽油进行清洗金属机械零件(机械制造、加工、修理等尤其需要)或供喷枪燃油,均可使用该装置,其装置如图示。一、构造根据需要可用大、中、小油桶,再配制如图示75°漏斗,分别配焊法兰,垫耐油橡胶卷与油桶体配焊法兰,将它们用12只M6×20螺栓固紧(不使漏水、漏油),漏斗下装排污阀,漏斗下部装放油龙头;桶上部焊100×100一圈溢流汇集槽(沟),汇集槽中底部焊回油管至油桶底部,距溢污汇集槽底下100~150处的桶壁中焊上20×20×20三块均布 Where oils, such as diesel, kerosene, or gasoline, are required to clean metal mechanical parts (especially for machinery manufacturing, processing, repairs, etc.) or for gun fuel, they can be used as shown in the figure. First, the structure can be used according to the needs of large, medium and small oil barrels, and then prepared as shown in Figure 75 ° funnel, respectively, welding flange, mat oil rubber roll and oil barrel body welding flange, use them only 12 M6 × 20 Fix the bolt tightly (do not leak or leak oil), install the drain valve on the funnel, install the oil faucet on the lower part of the funnel; weld 100×100 overflow collection tank (ditch) on the upper part of the bucket, weld the tubing back to the bottom of the collection tank to the oil At the bottom of the barrel, 20×20×20 uniform cloths are welded in the wall of the barrel from 100 to 150 under the spill trap
Mother took me to a Macdonald1 , It is a fast food chain shop2. It stands in the center of the city with an attractive look. Immediately I liked for its western
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(日本专利 J62021-745-A) 这种具有三层结构的瓦按一、二、三层顺序叠压而成。一、二、三层用的粘土材料在烘干和焙烧时具有相似的收缩和热膨胀系数。第一层粘土装填在瓦的
B423 CS-25型浅水回声测深仪中船总公司第七二六厂研制的CS-25型浅水回声测深仪,最近在上海通过技术鉴定。本仪器技术先进,性能稳定可靠,集成化程度高,抗干扰能力强,安装使
好不容易睡个午觉,这家伙突然掉下来。我迷迷糊糊没看清楚,生气地抓起来大咬一口。没想到,大黑猩猩郁闷地说:“喔,好酸!酸得我顿时就清醒了。”  我每顿饭都吃草。偶尔也想吃点儿不一样的美味,对吧?这个家伙黄黄的,闻着味道也不错。可是……马儿惊叫道:“嘶——好酸!酸得我眼泪直流。”一口气绕着草原跑了三圈。  我们没有不爱吃的东西,什么都吃。可是,第一次吃这个家伙的时候,猪猪们惊恐万状地说:“哎哟,好酸!