
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenbin198718
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部分放开价格商品提价申报制度是各级政府和物价部门在物价暴涨的特定条件下,作出的一项控制措施。这一制度的建立,对有效地控制物价上涨起到了一定作用。但有许多问题有待于完善和解决。(一)规定提价申报企业的面不宽,提价申报的对象应是全社会所有工商企业,因为物价政策、措施,不论国营、集体和个体工商企业一律执行。而目前提价申报的仅是国营、集体商业,漏掉了其它经济部门和个体工商户,结果只是管住了一部分企业。(二)要求提价申报的商品重点不突出。从各地规定提价申报的商品看,种类不一,品种有多有少,多的地区有紧俏耐用工业品、工农业生产资料、农副产品等四个大类几十个品种,少的地区只有几个品种。总之,没有按实际情况来确定本地区提价申报商品的重点,该管的没管住,不该管的也管了。 The partial deregulation of price commodity price reporting system is a control measure made by various levels of government and price departments under the specific conditions of soaring commodity prices. The establishment of this system has played a role in effectively controlling the rise in prices. However, there are many problems that need to be improved and resolved. (1) It is stipulated that the applicants for price increase declarations are not wide in scope, and the object of price increase declaration should be all industrial and commercial enterprises of the entire society. Because of price policies and measures, the state-owned, collective, and individual industrial and commercial enterprises shall be implemented uniformly. At present, only the state-owned and collective businesses have applied for price increases, and other economic sectors and individual industrial and commercial households have been omitted. As a result, only some companies have been controlled. (2) The emphasis on commodity declaration for price increase is not prominent. From the perspective of the commodities for which price increases are stipulated by various localities, there are different types and varieties, and there are more than a dozen varieties of durable industrial products, industrial and agricultural production materials, agricultural and sideline products, etc. in many regions. Several varieties. In short, the focus of determining the price of commodities for price increase in this region was not determined according to the actual situation. The tube was not kept under control and should not be managed.
省商业经济学会: 陈遵清南京市商业经济学会秘书长李长洲盐城市商业经济学会秘书长陈维政省商业经济学会会刊《江苏商论》编辑省商业研究会: 周懋定无锡市商业经济学会秘书
顾客对商店和商品都有所选择,日本称之为“买主个性”,它因时因人而异。影响买主个性的因素有八条: 1.经济性:价钱便宜、质量好,有保修。 2.可选性:货多,任选。 3.便刊:路近
海鸥牌纯素月饼,已有二十余年的生产历史。近年来,该厂在不断改进生产工艺和配方的基础上,使产品质量不断提高。在1981、1984年省商业厅最佳产品评选中,两次获得省商业 Sea
双马牌三千团圆月1985年被评为商业部优质产品。该产品是在传统的月饼中的大提浆的基础上再提高而成。采用富强粉、绵白糖、香油等制皮,用精选的多种果仁、果脯冰糖等作 Sh