Cerebral metastasis from hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suals
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We first report a rare case of metastasis from gastric hepatoid adenocarcinoma (HAC) to cerebral parenchyma, in a 50-year-old Chinese patient. He complained of a one-month history of a paroxysm of headache in the left temple and pars parietalis accompanied with binocular caligation caligo, insensible feeling of limbs and transient anepia. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed a spherical occupying lesion in the left posterior-temple lobe which was clinically diagnosed as a metastatic tumor. Three years ago, the patient accepted total gastrectomy as he was pathologically diagnosed at gastroscopy having an adenocarcinoma. Eight months after gastrectomy, the occupying lesion in liver was detected by ultrasound and CT, and he accepted transcatheter arterial embolization. Before operation of the brain metastasis, no obvious abnormality was found in liver by ultrasound. Histopathological characteristics of the brain tumor were identical to those of stomach tumor. The growth patt of both tumors showed solid cell nests. The tumor cells were polygonal, and had abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and round nuclei with obvious nucleoli. Sinusoid-like blood spaces were located between nodular tumor cells. Immunohistochemistrystained tumor cells were positive for AFP and negative for Hep-Par-1. According to these histopathological findings, both tumors were diagnosed as HAC and metastatic HAC. The patient remained alive 16 mo after tumorectomy of the cerebral metastasis. The differential diagnosis of brain metastasis from metastatic tumors should use a panel of antibodies to avoid confusing with the brain metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This paper describes this rare case of metastasis from gastric hepatoid adenocarcinoma to cerebral parenchyma, and provides a review of the literature concing its histopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics.
1例52岁女性患者因子宫肌瘤口服复方醋酸棉酚片(1片/d,每片含醋酸棉酚20 mg、维生素B1 10 mg、维生素B6 10 mg、氯化钾250 mg)共21个月。用药18个月时出现周身无力,约21个月时出现肌肉酸痛、乏力,实验室检查示血清钾2.0 mmol/L、镁0.57 mmol/L、CK 8 830 U/L、肌红蛋白977 μg/L。停用复方醋酸棉酚片并给予补钾、镁等治疗。8 d后患者体力恢
目的 探讨中国青年女性生理周期期间角膜生物力学性能和眼压的节律性变化以及两者之间的关系.方法 前瞻性研究.41例健康青年女性分别在月经周期初期、排卵期和月经周期末期用眼反应分析仪(ORA)对角膜补偿眼压(IOPcc)、可重复模拟Goldmman眼压(IOPg)、角膜滞后量(CH)和角膜阻力因子(CRF)进行测量.采用Pentacam对CCT进行测量.采用重复测量方差分析法分析测量参数在不同时间点的
目的探讨应用单蒂旋转腓肠神经逆行岛状皮瓣修复小腿远端及足踝部软组织缺损的手术方法及临床效果。方法回顾性分析2011年6月至2016年1月应用单蒂旋转腓肠神经逆行岛状皮瓣修复17例小腿远端及足踝部软组织缺损患者的临床资料。男13例,女4例;年龄25~65(42.0 ± 8.3)岁。小腿远端7例,踝部3例,足跟3例,足背4例。软组织缺损面积3.0 cm × 4.5 cm~6.0 cm × 12.0 c