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淞沪会战是抗战初期的一次重大战役,国民党地方系部队广大将士在这场战役中同仇敌忾,积极参战,奋勇杀敌,写下了可歌可泣的壮烈篇章。本文仅就地方系部队的对日参战及其作用和原因等问题作一初步探讨。 揭开全面抗战序幕的淞沪会战,是一场以国民党蒋介石嫡系部队为主力,地方系部队协同作战,抗击日本侵略军的壮烈战斗。参加这次会战的各路地方系部队,主要是南方(含西南诸省)的地方军事集团、1931年“九·一八”事变发生后,部分地方军事集团中颇有影响的上层将领及国民党要员其爱国心有所萌发,在全国抗日反蒋高潮中,一方面,他们当中的绝大多数并未放弃反共、反人民的反动立场;另一方面,民族矛盾的激化又使他们不愿因内战而放弃抗日,在中日民族矛盾不断上升,国内阶级关系发生新的变动的情况下,他们的政治态度和抗日行动也发生了不同程度的变化。原西北军将领冯玉祥利用其在西北军中的影响及他个人在国民党中的声望,坚决要求抗日。他致力于领导察哈尔抗日同盟军由几千人迅速扩大到10余万人。北方的东北军中部分爱国将领自“九·一八”以后,也揭起了抗敌旗帜,主动进行抗击日本侵略者的斗争。在南方,1932年1月28日,福建蒋光鼐、蔡廷锴等19路军将领在上海率部抗战。接着,又联合广东李济深等发动了“福建? The Battle of Songhu was a major battle in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan. The Kuomintang troops in the local department were allied with enemies and enemies during this campaign. They actively participated in the war and bravely fought the enemy and wrote epic chapter. This article only makes a tentative discussion on the participation of local troops in Japan’s war with Japan and its role and causes. The Songhu Campaign to unveil the full scale of the war of resistance against Japan was a heroic battle between the units led by the Chiang Kai-shek detachment of the Kuomintang (KMT) and the local troops in coordination with the Japanese invasion forces. Local troops participating in this battle were local military units in the south (including the southwestern provinces). After the September 18th Incident of 1931, upper-class generals and Kuomintang leaders influential in some local military groups, On the one hand, the overwhelming majority of them did not abandon the anti-communist and anti-people reactionary positions; on the other hand, the intensification of ethnic conflicts made them unwilling Because of the civil war, they gave up their resistance to Japanese aggression. With the rising ethnic conflicts between China and Japan and the new changes in the relations among their countries, their political attitudes and anti-Japanese actions have also changed to varying degrees. Former Northwest Army general Feng Yuxiang use his influence in the Northwest Corps and his personal reputation in the KMT, resolutely demanded that the anti-Japanese. He is committed to leading the Chahar anti-Japanese allied army rapidly expanding from several thousands to over 100,000. Part of the patriotic generals of the northeast military forces in north China also uncovered the banner of resistance against the enemy and took the initiative in the fight against the Japanese aggressors since September 18. In the south, 19 January 28, 1932, Fujian Jiang Guangtao, Cai Tingtao 19 Army generals in Shanghai led the war of resistance. Then, in conjunction with Guangdong Li Jishen launched "Fujian?
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