Wilson's disease: Prospective developments towards new therapies

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chans413
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Wilson’s disease(WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism, caused by mutations in the ATP7 B gene. A clear demand for novel WD treatment strategies has emerged. Although therapies using zinc salts and copper chelators can effectively cure WD, these drugs exhibit limitations in a substantial pool of WD patients who develop intolerance and/or severe side effects. Several lines of research have indicated intriguing potential for novel strategies and targets for development of new therapies. Here, we review these new approaches, which comprise correction of ATP7 B mutants and discovery of new compounds that circumvent ATP7B-deficiency, as well as cell and gene therapies. We also discuss whether and when these new therapeutic strategies will be translated into clinical use, according to the key requirements for clinical trials that remain to be met. Finally, we discuss the hope for the current rapidly developing research on molecular mechanisms underlying WD pathogenesis and for the related potential therapeutic targets to provide a solid foundation for the next generation of WD therapies that may lead to an effective, tolerable and safe cure. Wilson’s disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism, caused by mutations in the ATP7 B gene. A clear demand for novel WD treatment strategies has emerged. limitations in a substantial pool of WD patients who develop intolerance and / or severe side effects. Several lines of research have indicated intriguing potential for novel strategies and targets for development of new therapies. Here, we review these new approaches, which comprise correction of ATP7 B mutants and discovery of new compounds that circumvent ATP7B-deficiency, as well as cell and gene therapies. We also discuss whether and when these new therapeutic strategies will be translated into clinical use, according to the key requirements for clinical trials that remain to be met. Finally, we discuss the hope for the current rapid developing research on molecular mechanisms underlying WD pathogenesis and for the related potential therapeutic targets to provide a solid foundation for the next generation of WD therapies that may lead to an effective, tolerable and safe cure.
成人男性尸,右上肢手部,桡动脉终支、掌深弓、掌心动脉等有异常。其中掌深弓出现2个,在此我将它们按解剖位置关系,分别称为,近侧掌深弓和远侧掌深弓。 桡动脉至桡骨下端绕桡
患者男,51岁.上腹疼痛6个月,疼痛呈持续性,阵发性加剧,以夜间平卧及晨起站立时为甚,伴乏力、纳差、厌油、恶心、间断呕吐,进行性消瘦.体检:生命体征正常,慢性病容,皮肤巩膜无黄染,浅表淋巴结不肿大,无肝掌及蜘蛛痣,心肺体征正常,腹部隆起,腹壁静脉无怒张,腹软,脐上腹部可触及约8 cm×9 cm的包块,质硬、边界不清、活动度可,肝脾肾未触及,无压痛、反跳痛、叩击痛,腹部移动性浊音(++),肠鸣音正常
在生命科学中,偏微分方程的扩散系统占有很重要的地位。在生物学研究中会引出一些扩散方程,Fitzhugh,及等人在神经生理学关于轴突上的神经脉冲研究中得出如下方程: φu/φt=
导读:习近平总书记指出,“职业教育是国民教育体系和人力资源开发的重要组成部分。必须高度重视,加快发展。”党的十八大以来,我国职业教育迈入发展快车道,体系建设稳步推进,培养培训了大批中高级技能型人才,为提高劳动者素质、促进就业、推动经济社会发展作出了重要贡献。  当前,我国职业教育仍处在大有可为的发展黄金期和重要战略机遇期,对深化促进经济提质增效,满足人民群众生产生活多样化的需求等方面举足轻重。地处