
来源 :都市文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meishan802
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21世纪,繁杂的“欲望都市”中,人们常忙碌穿梭于生活与工作之间,越来越无暇深涉文字背后的寓意。随着数字革命的发展,图片开始占据社会市场的主流,暂不论专业软件Photoshop、光影魔术手等的普及运用,只观眼下,美图秀秀、美拍、Hello Camera等,诸如此类,都已成为装机必备软件。可见,图像语言所带来的视觉文化逐渐成为一种风尚,一种无可避免的社会趋势。全球化的“读图时代”狂潮席卷而至。众所周知,它在很大程度上影响了众多领域,尤为摄影界与出版业。简言之,“读图”是一种新型的都市文化,它使得摄影界与出版业因其的来临而变得更为多姿多彩。尽管“读图时代”的返祖现象可被视为一种新型的人文艺术,并因此丰富了人们的生活,但是,良好的视觉素养极其重要,而且它是一个崭新的且尤为重要的研究领域。这不仅是对传播使者的挑战,更是受众群体需担负的责任。良好的视觉素养除了能够陶冶人们的情操,提高艺术鉴赏力,更能为“读图时代”的发展奠定基础。 In the 21st century, complicated “Sex and the City ”, people often shuttle between life and work, more and more immeasurable moral implications behind the text. With the development of the digital revolution, the picture has begun to occupy the mainstream of the social market. No matter the popularization and application of the professional software Photoshop, light and shadow magic hand, etc., only Mitu, Xiumei, Hello Camera and so on have become Installed essential software. Visible, visual language brought about by the language has gradually become a trend, an inevitable trend in society. Globalization “Reading Pictures ” frenzy swept to. It is well-known that it affects a large number of areas, especially the photography and publishing industries. In short, Reading Pictures is a new type of urban culture that has made the photography and publishing industries more colorful because of their adventures. Although the return to ancestor in the era of “picture-reading age” can be regarded as a new type of humanistic art and thus enriches people’s lives, good visual literacy is extremely important and it is a brand new and especially important Research areas. This is not only a challenge to the messenger, but also the responsibility of the audience. In addition to being able to cultivate people’s sentiments and improve artistic appreciation, good visual literacy can lay a foundation for the development of the “age of reading pictures”.
【摘 要】本文通过分析“有偿新闻”现象存在的原因,提出遏制“有偿新闻”现象的意见和建议。“有偿新闻”现象的存在是受大气候影响、新闻事业发展不成熟、法律法规不健全的产物。因此需要从遵守政治宣传纪律,在思想上时刻与党中央保持高度一致;遵守保密制度,维护国家利益和安全;严格自律,抵制“有偿新闻”;提高新闻工作者待遇;完善监督机制五个方面入手。  【关键词】遵纪守法;职业道德;新闻工作者;有偿新闻  《
[Objective] To screen out an optimal medium for induction and differentiation of Apocynum venetum L. seeds. [Method] To obtain the optimal medium, effects of NA
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