
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingtiandetianming
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PURPOSE. To present the outcome of a consecutive series of patients who had foveal choroidal neovascularization (fCNV) in age- related macular degeneration (AMD) and were treated with subretinal surgery combined with simultaneous transplantation of autologous retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. METH- ODS. Patients with fCNV who were not eligible for laser or photodynamic therapy were included in the study. They underwent subretinal membrane excision with simultaneous transplantation of autologous RPE cells. Eyes with membrane excision alone served as the control. Tests included best corrected visual acuity for far and near with Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) and Jaeger charts, multifocal (mf)ERG, central visual field analysis, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and angiography, before surgery, and 1 month and 3 months after treatment, and at 3- month intervals thereafter. RESULTS. The results of final examinations of 53 eyes are presented. In 39 eyes, RPE transplantation was performed (group 1); 14 eyes had membrane excision alone (group 2). In group 1, visual acuity improved significantly, two or more lines in 21 (53.8% ) patients; remained stable in 12 patients (30.8% ); and decreased two or more lines in 6 patients (15.4% ; P=0.0062). In group 2, the corresponding values were 21.1% , 57.8% , and 21.1% (P=0.5377 NS). Statistical analysis of results in the two groups showed a trend in favor of group 1 (P=0.9714). The difference in reading acuity was significant between the two groups (mean change in group 1: 1.85 ± 0.42 vs. 0.43 ± 0.47 in group 2; P=0.0001). mfERG response density changes were significantly different between groups 1 and 2 (P=0.0094). No significant decreases in central visual field defects were detected. OCT showed the postoperative median retinal thickness in the lesion area in group 1 to be higher (242.31 ± .12.30 μ m) than in group 2 (202.07 ± .10.68 μ m), showing a trend (P=0.0682). CONCLUSIONS. Patients undergoing fCNV removal with autologous transplantation of RPE reached significantly better reading acuity and higher mfERG- response density than control subjects. The results provide evidence that autologous transplantation of RPE is a beneficial supplement to membrane excision alone in patients with fCNV in AMD and may be regarded as a reasonable treatment option. PURPOSE. To present the outcome of a consecutive series of patients who had foveal choroidal neovascularization (fCNV) in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and were treated with subretinal surgery combined with simultaneous transplantation of autologous retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. METH - ODS. Patients with fCNV who were not eligible for laser or photodynamic therapy were included in the study. They underwent subretinal membrane excision with simultaneous transplantation of autologous RPE cells. Eyes with membrane excision alone served as the control. Tests included best corrected visual acuity for far and near with Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) and Jaeger charts, multifocal (mf) ERG, central visual field analysis, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and angiography, before surgery, and 1 month and 3 months after treatment, RESULTS. The results of final examinations of 53 eyes are presented. In 39 eyes, RPE trans In group 1, visual acuity improved significantly, two or more lines in 21 (53.8%) patients; remained stable in 12 patients (30.8%); In group 2, the corresponding values ​​were 21.1%, 57.8%, and 21.1% (P = 0.5377 NS). Statistical analysis of results in the two groups (15.4%; P = 0.0062) showed a trend in favor of group 1 (P = 0.9714). The difference in reading acuity was significant between the two groups (mean change in group 1: 1.85 ± 0.42 vs. 0.43 ± 0.47 in group 2; P = 0.0001) No significant decreases in the central visual field defects were detected. OCT showed the postoperative median retinal thickness in the lesion area in group 1 to be higher (242.31 ± .12.30 μ m) than in group 2 (202.07 ± .10.68 μ m), showing a trend (P = 0.0682). CONDUSIONS. ng fCNV removal with autologous transplantation of RPE reached significantly better reading acuity and higher mfERG-response density than control subjects. The results provide evidence that autologous transplantation of RPE is a beneficial supplement to membrane excision alone in patients with fCNV in AMD and may be considered as a reasonable treatment option.
他,曾因参与石油期货狂赌给国家造成巨大损失而遭千夫所指,刑满释放并重新任职后又再度招来街头巷议。中国航油(新加坡)公司(以下简称“中航油”)的前任总裁陈九霖,过去四年的人生起伏跌宕,他身上所标示的反思与警示符号的确也太多太多。   从总裁到囚犯    湖北省黄冈市浠水县宝龙村尽管地处偏僻,但从这里却走出了数位北大、清华学子,陈九霖就是其中最早的一个。1981年,信奉知识改变命运的陈九霖辞去了村里信
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连续第十二年举行的[中国国际包装工业展览会](以下简称[华南国际包装技术展])将于2005年3月8-11日假中国广州市广 The [China International Packaging and Packaging Indu