打造生态优先 绿色发展 产城融合 人水和谐的沿黄生态经济带

来源 :共产党人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyob
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打造沿黄生态经济带,是自治区第十二次党代会作出的重大决策,是贯彻落实生态立区战略的重要举措,也是宁夏深入推进绿色发展的一大亮点。全区上下要以高度的行动自觉,深入贯彻落实这一重大决策部署,推动沿黄地区向生态优先、绿色发展、产城融合、人水和谐的方向发展。牢固树立生态优先的发展意识。良好的生态环境是生存之基、发展之本。党代会报告指出,宁夏因黄河而生、因黄河而兴,我们要自觉承担起保 Building a Yellow River eco-economic belt is a major decision made by the Twelfth Congress of the autonomous region. It is an important measure for implementing the strategy of establishing a bio-ecological zone and a major bright spot for Ningxia to further promote green development. The whole region should take a high degree of initiative and consciously carry out this important policy and plan in an in-depth manner, and promote the development along the Yellow River in areas that give priority to ecological development, green development, industrial integration and human-water harmony. Firmly establish the ecological priority of development awareness. A good ecological environment is the basis for survival and development. The report of the Party Congress pointed out that Ningxia is born because of the Yellow River and Xing because of the Yellow River, and we must consciously assume the guaranty
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