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今年春季长江中下游地区普降大雪或雨夹雪,积雪深度从17厘米到42厘米不等,是30年一遇的罕见大雪,这场大雪对近年来大量推广使用的塑料大棚是一次严峻的考验。上海、苏州、无锡、南京、淮南、合肥等地使用的GP—Y8—1型、GP—Y6—1型、PGP系列的装配式钢管骨架的塑料大棚,以及其它型式的大棚,都出现被雪压塌的现象。但管棚被压塌的比例远比各地自造的大棚小的多。从而说明了这种管棚的设计结构还是合理的,抗御自然灾害的能力比其它类型为强。在同样大雪袭击的情况下,有的地方,加强了管理,及时采取了抢救措施,就没有发生大棚被雪压塌的现象, 设计部门和制造单位闻讯后,前往受灾地区进行了解,总结经验教训,为了正确安装、使用好这类大棚,提高管式大棚的抗灾能力。 The spring of this year, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River plunge snow or sleet, snow depth from 17 cm to 42 cm, is a rare case of heavy snow in 30 years, this heavy snowfall in recent years to promote the use of plastic shed is a serious The test. The plastic sheds of GP-Y8-1, GP-Y6-1 and PGP series assembled steel pipe frames used in Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, Huainan, Hefei and other types of greenhouses have been exposed to snow Collapse of the phenomenon. However, the proportion of pipe shed collapsed is much smaller than that of the self-made greenhouses. This shows that the pipe shed design structure is reasonable, the ability to resist natural disasters than other types of strong. In the same snowstorm situation, in some places, the management was strengthened and timely rescue measures were taken to prevent any snowstorms from falling into the greenhouse. After hearing the news, the design department and the manufacturing unit went to the affected areas to understand and summarize the experience Lessons learned, in order to properly install, use such greenhouses to improve the resilience of tubular greenhouse.
白洋茶( Camelliajaponica cv. albo-plena Lodd.),为用于嫁接云南山茶花的优良砧木之一,具有亲和力强、成活率高、生长势好等特点,故在云南昆明等地区,普遍作为砧木之用。但
植物名称:石梓(Gmelina arborea)材材类别:侧枝顶芽。切取5毫米左右的茎尖接种。培养条件:基本培养基均为MS。(一)不定芽分化培养基,每升添加1.0毫克BA;(二)幼苗培养基,每升