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河北省张家口地区针对目前部分村委会工作一般化,没有生气的状况,采取四条措施,对村委会进行整顿,收到了明显的效果。一、引入竞争机制,实行公开招聘。具体做法是;①科学立标。根据农村工作的24项任务指标制定科学合理的工作标准。②公开招标。把治村的各项指标交给群众,增加竞选工作的透明度。③鼓励竞选。凡是年满18岁以上的村民都可以参加兑选村干部。④民主选举。在竞选演说的基础上再由村民投票选举。⑤公开招聘。乡镇政府根据竞选结果,对中标者实行公开招聘。通过以上措施他们把竞争机制和民主选举有机结合起来,既为能人脱颖而出创造了条件,又保证了村民的民主权利。这样产生的干部有三个特点:一 Zhangjiakou area in Hebei Province, for the current general situation of the work of village committees, did not get angry, take four measures to rectify the village committees, has received significant results. First, the introduction of competition mechanisms, the implementation of open recruitment. The specific approach is; ① scientific legislation. According to the 24 tasks of rural work to develop scientific and reasonable work standards. ② open bidding. Hand over the indicators of governance village to the masses and increase the transparency of electioneering work. ③ encourage the election. All villagers over the age of 18 can participate in the election of village cadres. ④ democratic election. Based on the election speech, the villagers will vote. ⑤ open recruitment. According to the election results, the township government conducted open recruitment to the successful bidders. Through the above measures, they organically integrated the competition mechanism and democratic election, which not only created conditions for capable people to stand out, but also ensured the democratic rights of villagers. The cadres thus produced have three characteristics: one
通过DZ系列振动桩锤减振系统的设计分析,找出解决这类问题的数学模型和具体方法。 Through the design analysis of DZ series vibration pile hammer vibration damping syste
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电信运营商除了提供电讯服务,还一定要帮助企业建立互联网;除了提供传输通道服务,还要帮助企业应用电子商务,这是新电讯的生存问题。 In addition to providing telecommuni