爱国奉献鞠躬尽瘁 追求光明死而后已——许寿裳先生追思会暨学术报告会侧记

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2月18日,北京前门台湾会馆。硕大的会议大厅,此刻正沉浸在一片思念与怀想之中。主席台背景墙上,欧阳中石题写的“许寿裳先生追思会”8个大字,遒劲、恢宏;会场四周,由一块块大型宣传板连接起来的,昔日先生那矢志民族振兴、投身台湾教育、鞠躬祖国统一的奋斗不息的身影,再现在我们眼前……这一天,恰是许寿裳先生65年前在台北遇害的日子。这一天,由全国台联主办,上海鲁迅纪念馆、中国闽台缘博物馆、《两岸关系》杂志、《台声》杂志协办,北京台湾会馆承办的“许寿裳先生追思会暨学术报告会”在这里隆重举行,为纪念先生一生的崇高理想、高尚品格和儒雅风范。全国政协副主席、台盟中央主席林文漪,中共中央统战部副部长林智敏,全国台联会长汪毅夫等出席了追思会。全国台联副会长杨毅周主持。中共中央统战部、国台办、台盟中央、中国作协、北京市台联等相关部门负责人及在京台胞、海内外学者60余人与会,共同纪念这位先贤。 February 18, Beijing Qianmen Taiwan Hall. Huge conference hall, at the moment is immersed in a miss and imagination. On the background of the podium, there are eight Chinese characters written by Ouyang Zhongshi entitled “Xu Shouchong Recalling Society”. The four characters around the venue are connected by a large publicity board. In the past, the gentleman insisted on rejuvenating the nation and joined Taiwan education. The day our unremitting figure bowed to the reunification of the motherland and reappeared in our eyes ... On this day, it is the day when Mr. Xu Shoushang was killed in Taipei 65 years ago. On this day, the Symposium organized by the National Taiwan Strait, the Memorial Hall of Shanghai Lu Xun, the Museums of China, Taiwan and Taiwan, the “Cross-Strait Relations Magazine” and the “Taiwan Sound” magazine and the " It was held here in honor of his lofty ideals, noble character and refined style throughout his life. Lin Wenyi, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, chairman of the Central Committee of the Taiwan Strait, Lin Zhimin, vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Wang Yifu, president of the National Taiwan Strait Association, attended the memorial service. National Taiwan University Vice President Yang Yi Zhou presided over. More than 60 scholars from the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Taiwan Strait, the Central Committee of the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese Writers’ Association, the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress and other relevant departments, as well as scholars from Taiwan and Taiwan, both at home and abroad attended the ceremony to commemorate the great sage.
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