Stable adaptive fuzzy control of nonlinear systems using small-gain theorem and LMI approach

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superxiaoqianqia
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A new design scheme of stable adaptive fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear systems is proposed in this paper.The T-S fuzzy model is employed to represent the systems.First,the concept of the so-called parallel distributed compensation (PDC) and linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach are employed to design the state feedback controller without considering the error caused by fuzzy modeling.Sufficient conditions with respect to decay rate α are derived in the sense of Lyapunov asymptotic stability.Finally,the error caused by fuzzy modeling is considered and the input-to-state stable (ISS) method is used to design the adaptive compensation term to reduce the effect of the modeling error.By the small-gain theorem,the resulting closed-loop system is proved to be input-to-state stable.Theoretical analysis verifies that the state converges to zero and all signals of the closed-loop systems are bounded.The effectiveness of the proposed controller design methodology is demonstrated through numerical simulation on the chaotic Henon system. A new design scheme of stable adaptive fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear systems is proposed in this paper. TS fuzzy model is employed to represent the systems. First, the concept of the so-called parallel distributed compensation (PDC) and linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach are employed to design the state feedback controller without considering the error caused by fuzzy modeling. Percentage with respect to decay rate α are derived in the sense of Lyapunov asymptotic stability .Finally, the error caused by fuzzy modeling is considered and the input-to-state stable (ISS) method is used to design the adaptive compensation term to reduce the effect of the modeling error. By the small-gain theorem, the resulting closed-loop system is proved to be input-to- state stable. Theoretical analysis verifies that the state converges to zero and all signals of the closed-loop systems are bounded. the effectiveness of the proposed controller design methodology is tested through numerical simulation on the chaotic Henon system.
摘 要:数学作为一门传统学科,无论是高中,还是初中,都非常重要,在中考、高考中一向有“得数学者,得天下”的说法。可见从根本上提高学生的数学成绩,对于学生考取一所好的高中、大学具有重要的意义。对学生今后运算能力、思维能力的发展也有重要作用。初中数学教学的策略有很多,而其中的重要的一种就是案例式教学策略。本文在初中数学教学实践与总结经验的基础上,主要就初中数学案例式教学策略应用进行探索。  关键词:初
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摘 要:在新的教育背景下,教师更重视学生的主体性,以提高学生的综合素质与综合能力作为最主要的教学目标。本文通过对小学数学教学中的自主探究模式进行研究,旨在推动小学数学教学的发展,提高教学质量。  关键词:小学数学课堂教学;自主探究模式;预习;小组合作;即时评价  一、引言  自主探究模式迎合了素质教育理念,也符合新课程改革的标准,是一种较先进的教学模式。因此,众多教师开始在小学数学教学中开展自主探
摘 要:初中的体育教学,不仅关系到孩子的成长,对其身心健康的塑造也起到至关重要的作用。通过体育课堂教学,学生能较系统地掌握《义务教育体育课程标准》中所规定的体育知识、体育技能以及通过体育训练来培养学生的意志力和思想道德品质。因此,学校必须搞好体育教学,优化体育教学内容与过程,这样才能从根本上保证完成体育教学的任务。  关键词:初中体育;教学改革  国务院提出要“深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育”。在
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摘 要:小学数学应该注重实践性教学。根据学生已有的生活经验,让他们自己去直接体会;提高学生的动手能力和合作意识,让学生合作学习,自己动手更加直观地进行学习,加深学习的印象;教师为学生提供足够的课外实践活动机会,提高学生动手实践能力。  关键词:动手实践;数学  数学是注重于解决现实问题的一门学科,在小学阶段,学生生理及心理都还没有发育成熟,往往会犯眼高手低的错误。而要解决这个问题,就要求必须提高学
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