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在日本北海道西北部的苫前町,建起了20台巨型风车,风车的塔架高45m,单根机翼长28m,每台风车的输出功率达1000kW。90年代前半期建造的风车一般高10~30m,发电功率大都在100~250kW之间。日本第一台1000kW级的巨型风车已于1999年初出现在北海道的室兰。按照日本的风力发电发展计 In Kumamacho, northwestern Hokkaido, Japan, 20 giant wind turbines were built. The windmills’ tower is 45m high and the single wing is 28m long. The output power of each windmill is 1000kW. The wind turbines built in the first half of the 90s were generally 10 to 30 m high with most of the power generation being between 100 and 250 kW. The first giant 1000kW windmill in Japan appeared in Muroran, Hokkaido early in 1999. According to Japan’s wind power development plan
初98 如图1,在△ABC中,BM和CN是中线,D是BC边上任一点,作DE∥BM,DF∥CN,分别和AC、 At the beginning of the 98 as shown in Figure 1, in △ ABC, BM and CN is the midl
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丹麦是世界上风力发电机的主要生产国和出口国。丹麦风电技术的发展,是从容量 10~ 30 kW、风轮直径 10 m的风力机开始,配有玻璃钢叶片、 2台异步发电机的 3叶片快行程的风力机优
氢能以其重量轻、热值高、无污染、来源丰富和应用面广等优点 ,被称为 2 1世纪的理想能源。美国已研制成功世界上第一辆以氢为燃料的汽车 ,可将 60 %~ 80 %的氢能转换成动能 ,
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