Preparation and properties of gluten/calcium carbonate composites

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djdyaqb
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Environment friendly thermosetting composites were prepared by blending wheat gluten(WG)as matrix,calcium carbonate (CaCO_3)as filler and glycerol as plasticizer followed by compression molding the mixture at 120 ~C to crosslink the WG matrix. Morphology observation showed that the CaCO_3 particles were finely dispersed in matrix.Incorporation of CaCO_3 up to 10 wt% into the composites caused Young’s modulus and tensile strength to increase markedly.On the other hand,the moisture absorption and elongation at break decreased slightly. Environment friendly thermosetting composites were prepared by blending wheat gluten (WG) as matrix, calcium carbonate (CaCO_3) as filler and glycerol as plasticizer followed by compression molding the mixture at 120 ~ C to crosslink the WG matrix. Morphology observation showed that the CaCO_3 particles were finely dispersed in matrix. Corporation of CaCO 3 up to 10 wt% into the composites caused Young’s modulus and tensile strength to increase markedly. On the other hand, the moisture absorption and elongation at break decreased slightly.
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