结合实际学习贯彻六中全会精神 积极推进金融系统两个文明建设——学习六中全会《决议》的体会

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党的十四届六中全会通过了《中共中央关于加强社会主义精神文明建设若干重要问题的决议》(以下简称《决议》),《决议》从七个方面强调了社会主义精神文明建设的重要性、必要性和紧迫性,再一次把精神文明建设提到了更加突出的地位。最近以来,全党、全国上下都掀起了学习贯彻六中全会决议的热潮,学习贯彻好六中全会精神,这对全面实现我国国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标将起着决定性的作用。为此,在学习贯彻六中全会决议中,我认为,金融部门的各级领导干部一定要统一思想,提高认识,高度认识《决议》的必要性和重要性,一定要结合行业实际,结合各地实际,结合各单位的实际开展学习贯彻活动。学习《决议》要有针对性、系统性,注重解决实际问题,使两个文明建设同步、协调发展。在学习贯彻中应具体做到以下几点。一是与金融业的行业特点结合,提高金融在国民经济建设中的地位和作用。金融业既 The 6th Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party adopted the “Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Important Issues concerning Strengthening the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization” (hereinafter referred to as the “Resolution”), which emphasized the importance of building a socialist spiritual civilization from seven aspects Sex, necessity and urgency. Once again, the construction of spiritual civilization has been brought to the prominence. Recently, the entire party and the whole country have set off a wave of studying and implementing the resolution passed by the 6th Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee and studying and implementing the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session. This is of great significance to the full realization of our national economic and social development, the 9th Five-Year Plan and the 2010 Vision Will play a decisive role. To this end, in studying and implementing the resolution of the 6th Plenary Session, I think that the leading cadres at all levels in the financial sector must unite their thinking, raise awareness and understand the necessity and importance of “resolution.” We must, in light of the actual conditions in the industry, In actual practice, we should carry out study and implementation activities in the light of the actual situation of all units. Studying “resolutions” must be targeted and systematic, paying attention to solving practical problems and bringing the two civilizations into simultaneous and coordinated development. In the study and implementation should be done specifically to the following points. First, combine with the industry characteristics of the financial industry to improve the status and role of finance in the national economic construction. Financial industry both
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