
来源 :中国高校后勤研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rachieyu
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高效率的管理,要有高素质的管理人才。我国的医院管理干部队伍中.他们多数来自教学岗位或医疗工作的第一线,他们对医院的管理工作不熟悉不适应,他们多数没有学习过管理知识。因此,许多人身在管理岗位,心在技术业务,对管理理论学习不够,管理经验很不足,往往以临时的思想担任现职,这种现象在高校医院中更为突出。目前,高校医院的管理要涉及到医疗政策、学校的规章和人、财、物管理知识,不少医院的经济压力也很大,管理者无法把精力集中到管理上来。在经济体制大转变的今天,在人才选择上,改变医院管理者必须是医务人员的传统观念,扩大管理人才的选用范围。使管理人员的资格,晋职待遇得到 High-efficiency management requires highly qualified management personnel. Among the hospital management cadres in China, most of them come from the front line of teaching posts or medical work. They are unfamiliar with the management of the hospital and most of them have not learned management knowledge. Therefore, many people are in managerial positions, they are in technical business, they do not learn enough about management theory, and they have insufficient managerial experience. They tend to take temporary positions as their current posts. This phenomenon is even more prominent in university hospitals. At present, the management of university hospitals involves medical policies, school regulations, and knowledge of people, finance, and materials management. Many hospitals are also under great economic pressure and managers cannot focus on management. In today’s great economic restructuring, in the selection of talents, changing the hospital managers must be the traditional concept of medical staff, and expand the scope of selection of management personnel. Qualify the management staff and get them
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成纤维细胞生长因子fibroblastgrowthfactorFGF是一类多功能的分子,现已发现其有多种同源结构形式,形成了一个生长因子的家族。酸性FGFacidicFGFaFGF,也称为FGF-1,是FGF家族中的主要成员,其结构与功能方面? Fibroblast
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疾病分类 出院人数总计其中:出院病人数疾病构成(%)治愈率(%)好转率(%)病死率(%)出院病人平均住院日霍乱14481443001926510869伤寒和付伤寒126411259001268427703114细菌性
」}_砰、、二厂·,、,请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 。丝}丝”旦匕通蜂!丝2一毕}丝丝生』竺 氏隆不辫口我相爱得太早,们‘幸祸又丁胖符 叮诚 些.才 鱼卜一 嘴
缺血再灌注是肝脏疾病中常见的临床病理过程 ,如肝脏手术、肝脏移植及失血性休克的输血抢救等 ,均存在肝组织缺血再灌注损伤。随缺血再灌注损伤时间及程度不同 ,既可出现可逆
针对今年的卫生改革,广东省副省长李兰芳最近强调: 卫生部门首先是要搞好机构改革,切实转变职能,要从“办卫生”转到“管卫生”,要明确自己首先是国家和人民群众利益的代表