Experimental Research of Surface Roughness Effects on Highly-Loaded Compressor Cascade Aerodynamics

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwezxcasdqwezxc
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Aircraft engines deteriorate during continuous operation under the action of external factors including fouling, corrosion, and abrasion. The increased surface roughness of compressor passage walls limits airflow and leads to flow loss. However, the partial increase of roughness may also restrain flow separation and reduce flow loss. It is necessary to explore methods that will lower compressor deterioration, thereby improving the overall performance. The experimental research on the effects of surface roughness on highly loaded compressor cascade aerodynamics has been conducted in a low-speed linear cascade wind tunnel. The different levels of roughness are arranged on the suction surface and pressure surface, respectively. Ink-trace flow visualization has been used to measure the flow field on the walls of cascades, and a five-hole probe has been traversed across one pitch at the outlet. By comparing the total pressure loss coefficient, the distributions of the secondary-flow speed vector, and flow fields of various cases, the effects of surface roughness on the aerodynamics of a highly loaded compressor cascade are analyzed and discussed. The results show that adding surface roughness on the suction surface and pressure surface make the loss decrease in most cases. Increasing the surface roughness on the suction surface causes reduced flow speed near the blade, which helps to decrease mixing loss at the cascades outlet. Meanwhile, adding surface roughness on the suction surface restrains flow separation, leading to less flow loss. Various levels of surface roughness mostly weaken the flow turning capacity to various degrees, except in specific cases. Aircraft engines deteriorate during continuous operation under the action of external factors including fouling, corrosion, and abrasion. The increased surface roughness of compressor passage walls airflow and leads to flow loss. However, the partial increase of roughness may also restrain flow separation and reduce The experimental research on the effects of surface roughness on highly loaded compressor cascade aerodynamics has been conducted in a low-speed linear cascade wind tunnel. The different levels of roughness are arranged on the suction surface and pressure surface, respectively. Ink-trace flow visualization has been used to measure the flow field on the walls of cascades, and a five-hole probe has been traversed across one pitch at the outlet . By comparing the total pressure loss coefficient, the distributions of the secondary-flow speed v ector, and flow fields of various cases, the effects of surface roughness on the aerodynamics of a highly loaded compressor cascade are analyzed and discussed. The results show that adding surface roughness on the suction surface and pressure surface make the loss decrease in most cases. Increasing the surface roughness on the suction surface causes on reduced suction speed at the cascades outlet. Roughly weaken the flow turning capacity to various degrees, except in specific cases.
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内容提要:本文主要介绍的是怎样上好初中美术课本中的一个内容《设计·应用——工业造型设计》。通过本课的教学,使学生对现代工业设计的内容、特点及其社会作用等有所了解,有所认识,从而了解到工业造型设计在我们生活中的重要性。  关键词:工业设计;应用;包装  中图分类号:G613.6  设计这种利用知识、智慧的创造性活动,满足着人类日益增长的物质与精神生活的需要,正在改变着社会,推动着社会的进步与发展。设
摘 要:一个政党的党格如何,将直接影响到该党在人民群众中的形象、威信和尊严。受历史和现实因素的影响,中国共产党党格塑造面临一些考验和挑战,存在一定的“官本位”思想、“一言堂”现象、“封闭化”心理和“宽松软”问题。在新时代,党要以意识形态建设为先导,以深化理论学习为引领,以优化体制机制为重点,以改进社会活动方式为动力,以应对风险考验为契机,强化塑造党格,巩固新时代中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心地位。