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11月15日,在金陵饭店西侧的外卖部,一纸“告示”宣告了备受南京人喜爱的金陵大肉包从此要卖3元钱一只了。2007年,金陵大肉包从1.2元一路蹿到2.5元,去年跌回了2.2元,现在又涨到3元,其实从这只肉包的身价涨跌,就能看出我们身边的物价涨跌。 On November 15th, at the delivery department on the west side of the Jinling Hotel, a paper “signage announcement” announced that the popular Nanjing Jinling Bun was to sell 3 yuan. In 2007, Jinling’s big buns went all the way from 1.2 yuan to 2.5 yuan. It fell back to 2.2 yuan last year and now it has risen to 3 yuan. Actually, the price of this meat pack rises and falls, and we can see that the prices around us are ups and downs. .
要学好英语,坚持听说训练,提高听说能力是十分重要的。《九年义务教育中学英语教学大纲》规定:“要能听懂基本上没有生词,浅于 To learn English well, it is very importa
Br.E Am.E stone n.——fruit seed 果核 stop vi.——stay 逗留;呆,如:I’ll stop/stay on until lunchtime. 我将一直呆到午饭时。 store n.——storage,store room 仓库,
Pearl Carlson was shaken awake at 3:30 a. m.by an urgent tugging. King, the family dog,was trying to pull her out of bed.Then she smelled smoke and heard the c
一颗小小的松树种子,被风吹到悬崖上。正好那里有个小窝窝,窝窝里有点水,它于是立刻抓紧这点机会,长出了细细的根。艰难的拼搏从此开始了。不怕炎炎的烈日。 A small pine s
英语里有不少习语是由“v.+and+v.”这种结构构成的。笔者将具有“v.+and+v.”这一结构特点的习语归纳为如下几种:一、and 连接两个同义或近义动词。如:1.chop and change
Civilization has often been transformed by idle amusements, pastimes and toys. A classic example is gunpowder,the stuff of fireworks displays in ancient China