进入这个月份,家长朋友们可能要忙着做几件事:两三岁的孩子忙着找幼儿园,六七岁的孩子忙着准备上学。要说起来,现在孩子们的选择余地真是大了很多。就说幼儿园吧,各种公立的、私立的、特色的幼儿园都在向您招手。让您不知究竟是选离家近的好呢,还是选有名气的好;是选双语幼儿园呢,还是选艺术幼儿园……对上学的孩子来说,家长更是多了一份焦虑和牵挂,一是,孩子的生活规律完全改变了:由原来的一日三餐不用管,到每天要为营养配餐操心;二是,关注的焦点变了:原来更多关注身体健康,现在不仅要关心健康,还要关心成绩——别让孩子输在起跑线上啊! 不管怎么说,无论是上幼儿园还是上学,对于孩子来说,都是人生的一个新起点。这两个第一步对每个家庭和每个孩子都是一次调
Entering this month, parents and friends may be busy doing several things: two or three year olds are busy looking for kindergarten, and six or seven year olds are busy preparing for school. To put it, the children now have a much bigger choice. Just say kindergarten, a variety of public, private, unique kindergarten are waving to you. Let you do not know what is the election is close to home is good, or selected well-known; choose a bilingual kindergarten, or choose art kindergarten ... ... to school children, parents are more of an anxiety and care, First, the children’s laws of life completely changed: from the original three meals a day do not care, to diet every day to worry about nutrition; Second, the focus has changed: the original focus more on physical health, and now not only to care about health , But also concerned about the results - Do not let the children lose at the starting line! In any case, whether it is kindergarten or go to school, for children, are a new starting point in life. The first two steps are for each family and every child