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在许多內科疾患时,精细地研究口腔內的改变,不仅在口腔科方面检查病人时有意义,而且对一般临床检查病人时也有着意义。本文就177例患者的临床(包括口腔方面的检查)所见作为资料,分三组加以分析。第一组包括117名胃肠道疾患的病人,其中35名为胃溃疡病,37名为十二指肠溃疡病,45名慢性胃炎(20名有胃酸增高、17名胃酸减低、8名胃酸正常)。检查这一组病人的口腔情况时发现到下列改变(有些病人同时有几种病理现象):91名有牙磨损,66名有不同发展期的牙周病(38名为牙槽溢脓期牙周病),90名有齲齿,11名有大量齿石(主要为胃及十二指肠溃疡病人),大多数病人有小量齿石。此外,发现11名病人有牙的感觉过敏,25名病人有牙色改变,17名牙釉质粗糙,46名病人牙釉质的光泽消失。在这一组病人的病史中经常可以见到:于胃肠道疾患开始后,特别是在胃及十二指肠溃疡病人的恶化期內出现牙齿系统方面的明显改变,如:齿齦出血、 In many medical conditions, a careful study of changes in the oral cavity not only makes sense when examining patients in the area of ​​stomatology, but also in the general clinical examination of patients. In this paper, 177 patients with clinical (including oral examination) seen as a document, divided into three groups to be analyzed. The first group consisted of 117 patients with gastrointestinal disorders, 35 with gastric ulcer disease, 37 with duodenal ulcer disease, 45 with chronic gastritis (20 with increased gastric acidity, 17 with reduced gastric acid, 8 with gastric acid normal). The following changes were observed when examining the oral conditions in this group of patients (some patients had several pathologies at the same time): 91 teeth with periodontal disease and 66 with different developmental periodontal disease (38 for alveolar epiphysis 90 patients had dental caries, 11 had a large number of toxins (mainly gastric and duodenal ulcer patients), and most patients had small amounts of toothache. In addition, 11 patients were found to have dental hyperalgesia, 25 patients had a change of tooth color, 17 enamel was rough, and the gloss of 46 enamel disappeared. Often seen in the history of this group of patients: significant changes in the dental system during the onset of gastrointestinal disorders, particularly in the deteriorating period of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, such as gum bleeding,
本文报告了采用最新研制的国产培氟沙星治疗急性细菌性痢疾64例疗效。培氟沙星每日0.8克,分2次口服,共4天一个疗程,随机选择诺氟沙星20例治疗作对照观察, This article rep
帕金森病(PD)和肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)是两种中枢神经系统的变性性疾病,有报道极个别的病人可同时出现这两种病的表现.作者近来遇诊1例,予以报告. Parkinson’s disease (PD