Scarlett 斯嘉丽

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wtrgo
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  Here’s Scarlett, in the garden of a friend’s house in London on a sunny summer morning. It is the kind of mornings that are unusual in England. Scarlett is twelve years old (“Thirteen in November,” she tells me), and is trying to understand the world around her. She asks questions about everything, all the time.
  I tell her that I want to ask her a question, and I ask her why she’s called Scarlett, and what the name means, and if it comes from anywhere in particular1. She says, “No, it’s just a stupid2 name my parents chose3 because they liked it. It doesn’t mean anything.”
  I wonder if her parents named her after the heroine4 of a favourite film, but then again, I know her dad and this sounds impossible5. I think they maybe chose it just because they liked the sound of it.
  Scarlett is worried about changing school after the summer. She worries that she’s too short for her age. The other children at the school will make fun of her. She shows me some pictures of the school she is at now and her classmates. I look at the pictures and it shows all kinds of children. Some are tall, some are short, some are fat and some are thin. Some are black and some are white, and most of them are somewhere in between. Some have red hair and some have blond hair, some have long hair and some have short hair.
  I tell her not to worry about the new school, tell her that she’ll be OK, and ask her about the new subjects she’ll be studying. She tells me that she’s worried about learning French, and I tell her not to worry, that it isn’t a very difficult language. She tells me that she already knows five languages.
  “Five languages!” I shout. “That’s impossible!How do you already know five languages?”
  “Because I’ve got five languages in my body,” she says.
  I ask her what she means, and she starts to tell me the story of her family. Some of the story I already know. I’ve already heard stories about her grandfather. He was from Scotland. He was a sailor, but not a very good sailor, so he only got as far as Portsmouth, a big navy6 town on the south coast of England, not very far from Scotland at all. When he got to Portsmouth, he stopped there, left the navy and became a boxer. He lost fights and drank a lot. However, he still managed7 to see the world by meeting a woman who came from Laos8. Nobody really knows how this woman had ended up in Portsmouth, but she still lives there. I tell Scarlett that she should try and find out her grandmother’s story.   我问她是什么意思,她開始告诉我她家人的故事。我已经知道了故事的一部分内容,听说过有关她祖父的故事。他来自苏格兰,是一个水手,但不是一个很优秀的水手,所以他最远只到达了朴茨茅斯,这是英格兰南海岸的一个大海军镇,离苏格兰也不远。当他到达朴次茅斯时,就停留在那里,离开了海军,成了一名拳击手。他输了比赛,就会喝很多酒。但是,他仍然想办法通过认识一位来自老挝的女人来了解世界。没人真正知道这个女人是如何来到朴次茅斯的,但她还住在那儿。我告诉斯嘉丽她应该设法查出祖母的故事。
  “No, she’s too old now,” says Scarlett, “and anyway, she’s lived in Portsmouth nearly all her life.”
  Scarlett’s grandparents had a son. They called him Bill, which is usually short for “William”, but his name was just “Bill”. Bill had his father’s personality9 and his mother’s looks, so the only thing he thought he could do was becoming a rock star. He never really became a rock star, though. So now he works as a designer10.
  I don’t know Scarlett’s mum, so I ask her to tell me about her mum.
  “My mum’s Polish11,” she says. “Well, not really, because she was born in Brighton, but her mum and dad are from Poland. But they’ve lived there, like, for always. I know that her mum was from somewhere that was Germany and then became Poland, so she’s really German, I suppose12. So that’s another language that I’ve got in my body.”
  I ask Scarlett if she can actually speak all the languages, and she looks at me like I’m stupid.
   “Of course not!” she says. “But I’ve still got them in me!”
  We count13 up her “languages”: Scottish, Laotian, German, Polish.
   “That’s only four!” I tell her.
  “No, there’s English, too!”
   “Of course there is,” I say. And then I ask her, “And you, Scarlett, where are you from?”
  She thinks for a long time—such a long time that I think she hasn’t heard my question. But then, before I can repeat14 it, she looks up and at me.
  “I’m from here,” she says. “I’m from London.”
  1. in particular尤其,特别
  2. stupid
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