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【目的】挖掘镍耐受性强、产铁载体活性高的植物根际促生细菌,研究镍胁迫下产铁载体细菌对花生的促生作用及其对花生吸收镍的影响。【方法】利用CAS(Chrome azurol S)培养基对花生根际产铁载体细菌定性筛选及定量测试获得产铁载体能力强的菌株,16S r RNA基因相似性及系统进化分析鉴定产铁载体细菌,并用含Ni~(2+)牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基测试细菌对Ni的耐受性;通过花生盆栽实验,测试花生的株高、根长、生物量、氮磷钾含量及镍含量来分析镍胁迫下产铁载体细菌对花生的影响。【结果】从花生根际分离筛选产铁载体芽孢杆菌5株,其中HSGJ1产铁载体能力最强,培养2 d后产156.56 mg/L的铁载体。HSGJ1对Ni~(2+)具有较强的耐受性,最小致死浓度为150 mg/L。在50、100 mg/kg的Ni~(2+)盆栽基质中,HSGJ1能够有效地促进花生的生长、增加花生的生物量及氮磷钾含量,并使花生根部和地上部分的镍含量降低。【结论】产铁载体芽孢杆菌HSGJ1是一株优良的植物根际促生细菌,可应用于镍污染农耕土壤的作物种植中,以提高作物在镍胁迫下的抗逆性,降低作物对镍的富集量,具有较好的应用价值。 【Objective】 The aim of this study was to find out the rhizosphere-promoting bacteria with high nickel tolerance and high activity of iron-producing carrier, and to study the effect of iron-producing bacterium on the growth of peanut and its effect on the absorption of nickel by peanut. 【Method】 The strains of iron-producing bacteria with high iron-producing capacity were obtained by qualitative screening of peanut rhizosphere producing iron carrier bacteria using CAS (Chrome azurol S) medium. 16S rRNA gene similarity and phylogenetic analysis were used to identify the iron- The tolerance of bacteria to Ni was tested by Ni ~ (2+) beef extract peptone medium. The peanut plant height, root length, biomass, N, P and K contents and nickel content Effect of Iron Carrier Bacteria on Peanut Production. 【Result】 Five strains of Bacillus sphaericus were isolated from the peanut rhizosphere. Among them, HSGJ1 had the highest ability to produce iron, and produced 156.56 mg / L of iron carrier after 2 days. HSGJ1 is highly tolerant to Ni 2+ with a minimum lethal concentration of 150 mg / L. In the 50,100 mg / kg Ni2 + potting medium, HSGJ1 could effectively promote the growth of peanut, increase the biomass of peanut and the content of N, P and K, and also reduce the content of nickel in roots and shoots of peanut. 【Conclusion】 The fermentor-producing bacillus HSGJ1 is an excellent rhizosphere-promoting bacterium that can be applied to the crop cultivation of nickel polluted farmland so as to improve the stress resistance of crop under nickel stress and reduce the toxicity of crop to nickel Enriched, with good value.
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