
来源 :内蒙古宣传思想文化工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojiagu
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群众文化,是群众自我参与、自我娱乐、自我开发的社会性文化。社区群众文化建设贵在接地气,心要用在面向群众上,劲要使在扎根社区上,力要发在服务居民上。社区群众文化建设接地气,首先是开掘群众文化资源要眼睛向下,善于挖掘社区潜力。城市聚居,每个人都生活在一定的社区里;8小时之外,各行各业的人都要回到社区。这样的人流把丰富的文化资源带回了社区。社区群众文化要发展,整合这些资源是 The mass culture is a social culture of self-participation, self-entertainment and self-development of the masses. The construction of community mass culture is grounded in the atmosphere, the heart should be used in the face of the masses, to make strong in the rooted community, to send in the service residents. Communities and cultural construction of the ground gas, the first is to tap the masses of cultural resources to the eyes down, good at tap the community potential. Urban settlements, everyone living in a certain community; 8 hours, all walks of life have to return to the community. This flow of people brought rich cultural resources back to the community. Community mass culture to develop, integrate these resources is
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雪落在山坡上  望着青海的雪山  遥远的青稞,从我身边刮过去的风  一句话也不说。突然想起  扛着半截羊皮袄  只顾放羊的那个人  想起少女坐过的山坡  鹰隼飞过  又有多少任性的花香  不知去向  而雪,把最轻的部分放下  在青海以北  天空的石磨  旋转着,把完整的生活  打磨成流水和月色  宁 夏  黎明的水稻穿着羊皮袄  沙坡坡上睡觉的人  头枕着贺兰山的白云  刚刚还在坡上吃草  身体里