
来源 :中国酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhou20p
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酿酒业是个古老行业,已由手工业逐渐走向现代化工业。它的发展随着社会进展,在酒管理上曾出现过禁酒,榷(古音较今音确)酒、税酒三种主要管理方式。禁酒,是禁止酒的生产与流通来杜绝酒的消费。这种办法只能适用于一时或一地。在我国历史上周初,鉴于商纣因酒失国,周于成王四年(公元前1021年)在殷商故地卫进行禁酒。这种方式长久来看是行不通的,因为随着人们生活水平的提高,各种需求越加丰富多彩,酒亦在其中。榷酒的榷是独木桥的意思。这个独木桥只许国家通过,也就是由国家 The wine industry is an ancient industry that has gradually moved from handicrafts to modern industries. Its development with the progress of society, there have been in the wine management, alcohol, alcohol (the ancient sound is more current than the current sound) wine, tax wine three major management methods. Prohibition of alcoholism prohibits the production and circulation of alcohol to prevent the consumption of alcohol. This approach can only be applied to a moment or to a place. In the early days of our country’s history, Zhou Yincheng’s four years (1021 BC) of drinking alcohol at Yin Shang’s hometown was attributed to the fact that Shangluo lost his country due to wine loss. This approach will not work for a long time, because with the improvement of people’s living standards, all kinds of needs are more colorful, and wine is also in it. The trick of drinking is the meaning of a single-plank bridge. This single-wood bridge can only be passed by the country, that is, by the country.
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