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最近,我们对江西、湖北两省棉花流通体制改革情况进行了调查。现将有关情况综述如下:一、棉花流通体制改革进展情况国务院《关于深化棉花流通体制改革的决定》发布以后,江西、湖北两省政府及有关部门进行专题调研,提出了实施方案,并采取具体措施积极推进棉花流通体制改革。从我们所到的九江、黄岗等市的调查情况看,大部分产棉县(市)棉花流通体制改革已经取得初步进展。主要表现在:一是省政府都制订了棉花流通体制改革方案,并相继成立了棉花流通体制改革的领导机构。江西省规定棉花收购单位必须拥有600万元以上的棉花收购自有资金,考虑到江西棉花供求状况,暂不建立省级棉花储备。对棉花经营体制,江西省政府要求尽快实行公司、轧花厂、收购站统一核算、统一管理、统一经营,或以县公司为龙头组建企业集团。对棉花生产,江西省提出稳定单产在100公斤以上的高产棉田,压缩中低产田,调减易涝易旱的分散棉田。湖北 Recently, we conducted a survey on the reform of cotton circulation system in Jiangxi and Hubei provinces. The relevant information is as follows: I. Progress on the reform of the cotton circulation system After the release of the “Decision on Deepening the Reform of the Cotton Circulation System” issued by the State Council, the governments of Jiangxi and Hubei provinces and relevant departments conducted special investigations and put forward implementation plans and adopted specific measures Measures to actively promote the reform of cotton circulation system. According to the survey conducted in the cities of Jiujiang and Huanggang we visited, the cotton circulation system reform in most cotton producing counties (cities) has made initial progress. Mainly manifested in: First, the provincial government has formulated a program of cotton circulation reform, and have set up a cotton circulation system of reform leading institutions. Jiangxi Province requires cotton acquisition units must have more than 6 million yuan of cotton acquisition of its own funds, taking into account the status of supply and demand of cotton in Jiangxi Province, the temporary establishment of provincial cotton reserves. For the cotton business system, the Jiangxi provincial government demanded that the company, ginning plant and purchasing station should be unified accounting, unified management and unified management as soon as possible, or the county company should be set up as an enterprise group. For cotton production, Jiangxi Province proposed that high-yield cotton fields with a stable yield of more than 100 kg should be compressed in medium and low-yield fields to reduce the scattered cotton fields that are prone to drought and drought. Hubei
端午节,吃粽子。糯米性温、味甘,润肺、补脾,是一种温和的滋补品,有补虚、补血、健脾暖胃、止汗等作用。糯米营养虽好,但不容易消化,特别是孩子的肠胃系统还没完全发育好,所以糯米饭虽好吃,但要适量。  薯条妈  (上海 女儿4岁)  私房菜:台式肉粽(约30个)  材料:棕叶60片、棉线适量,长糯米1500克、去皮绿豆瓣300克、猪肉600克、红葱头6个(或洋葱1~2个)、干香菇15~20朵、萝卜干50