
来源 :城市轨道交通研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fleur0512
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受中国土木工程学会隧道与地下工程学会地铁专业委员会委托,由上海市地铁总公司主办的第12届学术交流会于1998年5月18~20日在上海举行.本届学术交流会共有包括香港地下铁路公司在内的来自全国16个城市的192名代表参加.开幕式上先后有会议东道主代表石礼安、上级领导钱达仁、上级学会代表惠永宁、杨我清致词,对会议的召开表示热烈祝贺.地铁专业委员会主任刘国琦在回顾北京、天津、上海、广州四大城市地铁建设和地铁专业委员会自身的发展历史的同时,着重就当前面临的全国城市轨道交通大发展的良好机遇和历史条件以及地铁专业委员会应在这种大好形势下如何加强学术交流、如何在我国城市轨道交通事业的大发展中积极发挥参谋咨询作用,发表了讲话.来自北京、上海、香港等地的13位论文作者先后在会上以“地铁与邻近建筑施工的环境保护技术”、“地铁与城市地下空间开发”、“城市轨道交通的线网规划”、“隧道维修”、“基坑信息反馈施工研究”、“投资管理”、“盾构施工”、“轨道结构”、“车站防水”、“换乘与接驳”、“城市轨道交通网络环境影响因素分析及环保对策”、“深基坑支撑体系设计”、“技术装备国产化”为题进行了宣讲.大会后分组进行了交流.与会代表还赴浦东新区地铁施工现场参观了正在? Commissioned by the China Civil Engineering Society tunnel and underground engineering commission commissioned by the Metro, the Shanghai Metro Corporation hosted the 12th academic exchange was held in Shanghai in May 18 to 20, 1998. This academic exchange will include Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Corporation, 192 delegates from 16 cities across the country attended the opening ceremony, including host representatives Shi Lian, leader Qian Daren, higher education delegates Hui Yongning and Yang Iqing, and warmly held the meeting Congratulations.Liu Guoqi Metro Professional Committee in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou four major metro construction and Metro Development Committee's own history, while focusing on the current face of the great development of urban rail transit in the country a good opportunity and historical conditions as well as How to strengthen the academic exchange under the excellent situation and how to play an active role of staff counseling in the great development of China's urban rail transit industry, the Sub-Committee of Metro has made speeches and delivered speeches successively. Thirteen essay authors from Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, At the meeting with “the construction of the subway and neighboring buildings, environmental protection ”Metro and Urban Underground Space Development“, ”Urban Rail Transit Network Planning“, ”Tunnel Maintenance“, ”Foundation Pit Information Feedback Construction Study“, ”Investment Management“, ”Shield Construction“, ”Track Structure “,” Station waterproofing “,” transfer and connection “,” urban rail transit network environmental impact analysis and environmental protection measures “,” deep foundation pit support system design “,” technology and equipment localization ". After the meeting, the group conducted exchanges and the delegates also visited the Pudong New Area subway construction site visited?
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