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卫生队伍结构是医学科学水平和管理水平的体现,也是一定的生产力水平的反映。它是否合理,将直接影响防治质量和卫生事业的发展。因此,在卫生事业的现代化建设中,应充分注意卫生队伍结构的研究和改进。从首都的重要地位出发,北京的卫生队伍,应当是全国思想政治水平和医学科学水平最高的一支社会主义现代化卫生技术队伍,也应是世界上医道精深的第一流卫生技术队伍。但是,要达到这个战略目标,必须对现在的卫生队伍结构进行切实认真的调整与改革。首先,应大力发展医学教育事业,尽快提高高级卫生技术人员的比重。从医药卫生现代化的要求看,卫生队伍结构的调整和改革,关键是提高卫生技术人员特别是医生中大学毕业生的比例。 The structure of the health team is a reflection of the level of medical science and management, and it is also a reflection of a certain level of productivity. Whether it is reasonable or not will directly affect the quality of prevention and control and the development of health services. Therefore, in the modernization of the health industry, full attention should be paid to the research and improvement of the health team structure. Starting from the important position of the capital, the health team in Beijing should be a socialist modern health technology team with the highest level of ideological and political education and the highest level of medical science in the country, and it should also be the top-ranking health and technical team in the world. However, in order to achieve this strategic goal, it is imperative that the current health team structure be carefully and carefully adjusted and reformed. First, we should vigorously develop the medical education cause and increase the proportion of senior health technicians as soon as possible. Judging from the requirements for the modernization of medical and health care, the key to adjusting and reforming the structure of the health team is to increase the proportion of university graduates among health professionals, especially doctors.
在对下一级计量部门以及建标企业的标准考核、复查过程中 ,我发现不少单位建标技术报告中的计量标准测量不确定度仍未重新论证。JJF1059-1999《测量不确定度评定与表示》已于1999年5月1日实施
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