商家网上行 生意方可兴——利用电子商务创新传统商业经营方式

来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengi520
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电子商务的快速发展,给传统的商业经营活动带来了巨大的发展机会。比如,美国的沃尔马是国际上最成功的商业连锁店。它的电子配送中心支撑着数千个分店的供货和调配,这个中心能为其上千家生产商、供货商自动提供电子方式的供货机制,无论是生产商、供货商,还是零售商,都可从中获利。电子商务对我国竞争力较弱的传统商业企业提出了挑战。如何利用这一机遇,适应网络经济发展的潮流,对商业企业的经营方式进行创新,是目前摆在经营者面前的一个急需解决的问题。借鉴超市经验,开展网络连锁直销对传统连锁超市企业来说,通过规模运营方式,可以以低成本大量销售商品,使消费者得到优惠价格。此外,超市一般开设在民民区,货物品种齐全,便于消费者购物。因此,超市具有一般零售企业无法比拟的优势。北京的万众大和公司原本是1996年成立的一家家用电脑专业销售机构,它利用超市的优点,结合互联网,创造 The rapid development of e-commerce has brought tremendous development opportunities to traditional business operations. For example, Wal-Mart in the United States is the most successful commercial chain in the world. Its electronic distribution center supports the supply and deployment of thousands of stores, which automatically provide electronic means of delivery to its thousands of producers, suppliers, retailers, suppliers, or retailers Business, can profit from it. E-commerce poses challenges to traditional commercial enterprises in China which are less competitive. How to take advantage of this opportunity to adapt to the tide of network economic development and innovate the management mode of commercial enterprises is an urgent problem that needs to be solved before the operators. Draw on the experience of supermarkets and carry out network chain direct sales To traditional chain supermarket enterprises, large-scale sales of goods at low cost through large-scale operation can make consumers get preferential prices. In addition, the supermarket is generally opened in the people’s district, the full range of goods, to facilitate consumer shopping. Therefore, the supermarket has the general retail business unmatched advantages. Peoples’ Republic of Great Wall Beijing was originally a home computer sales organization established in 1996. It used the advantages of supermarkets, combined with the Internet to create
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