Experimental Study of Twin Pulse Jet Engines for Power Plant Application

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoxiaozhang
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The total efficiency of power plants depends on the energy conversion in a combustor and a turbine. Considerably higher energy transfer rates can be obtained from a pulsed combustion, but unsteady flow of a single jet combustor reduces the turbine efficiency. Therefore, two pulse combustors were set in parallel and connected to a settling chamber that supplies a flow with constant pressure to the turbine. The aim of investigations presented here is a demonstration of technical feasibility for industrial applications and to show the benefits obtained from the pulse combustors. The total efficiency of power plants depends on the energy conversion in a combustor and a turbine. Considered higher energy transfer rates can be obtained from a pulsed combustion, but unsteady flow of a single jet combustor reduces the turbine efficiency. Therefore, two pulse combustors were set in parallel and connected to a settling chamber that supplies a flow with constant pressure to the turbine. The aim of investigations presented here is a demonstration of technical feasibility for industrial applications and to show the benefits obtained from the pulse combustors.
摘 要:结合几年来的教学经验,笔者整理出三种点燃课堂亮点的有效方式:用相得益彰的多媒体教学、感人肺腑的情感解读、声情并茂的语言品读。总之,读清教材,读懂作者,读出味道,我们就会与课堂亮点不期而遇,开拓出一条平坦之路来!  关键词:课堂亮点;情感解读;语言品读  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)03-025-2  课堂教学要发挥教师、学生两个主体的积极性