1.临床资料 李××,女,31岁.因排尿困难,腹部胀闷不适半月,在当地医院诊治疗效果不佳,于1992年11月2日收住入院.病例报告;半月前行结扎手术,术后第三天自感小便排流不畅,无尿频,尿急,尿痛及腰痛.当时只感小腹不适,给予服新诺明治疗无好转,7天后腹部胀闷加重,小便量少,<50ml/24/小时.食欲不振,无恶心呕吐,伴心慌,睡眠欠佳,去当地医院诊治过,服利尿药,保肝药仍无好转,尿量亦不增多,转来我院.门诊行腹腔穿刺抽液送检,少量白细胞,蛋白微量,以肝硬化腹水收住院.查体:体温36.5℃,呼吸24次/分,脉搏72次/分,血压15.96/10.67kPa(120/80mmHg),中年女性,发育正常,营养一般,皮肤无出血点,未见蜘蛛痣,心肺未发现异常,腹膨隆,无腹壁静脉怒张,叩浊,移动性浊音不明显,肝脾未触及,全腹压之疼痛不适,肝区无叩击痛,双肾区无叩击痛,四肢活动自如,双下肢无浮肿.
1. Clinical data Li × ×, female, aged 31. Due to dysuria, abdominal distension and boredom half a month, poor treatment in the local hospital treatment, admitted to hospital on November 2, 1992. Case report; ligation half a month ago Surgery, the third day after surgery, self-defecation urination poor flow, no urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and lumbago. At the time only sense of lower abdomen discomfort, given no new promise treatment no improvement, abdominal distension increased after 7 days, Less, <50ml / 24 / hour. Loss of appetite, no nausea and vomiting, with palpitation, poor sleep, go to the local hospital for treatment, taking diuretics, liver medicine still no improvement, urine output does not increase, transferred to our hospital Outpatient line abdominal paracentesis, a small amount of white blood cells, protein trace to liver cirrhosis ascites admitted to the hospital Physical examination: body temperature 36.5 ℃, breathing 24 beats / min, pulse 72 beats / min, blood pressure 15.96 / 10.67kPa (120 / 80mmHg), middle-aged women, normal development, general nutrition, no skin bleeding, no spider nevus, no abnormal heart and lungs, abdominal bulging, no abdominal venous distention, knock turbidity, shifting dullness is not obvious, liver and spleen not touched , Full abdominal pain and discomfort, no percussion pain in the liver area, perling area without percussion pain, limbs freely, no swelling of both lower extremities.