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为研究粘钢加固混凝土梁的疲劳性能,进行了2根粘钢加固梁及1根对比梁的疲劳试验。试验研究表明:在钢板与混凝土粘结完好的情况下,粘贴钢板加固较大地提高了梁的抗变形能力;与未加固梁相比,因钢板端部粘结失效,加固梁主筋断裂时的疲劳循环次数反而减少,也说明在粘贴钢板加固工程中,应注意保证钢板端部的良好锚固,使钢板与混凝土良好粘结,钢板才能充分发挥作用。 In order to study the fatigue behavior of the bonded-to-steel reinforced concrete beams, two fatigue tests of two bonded steel reinforced beams and one comparative beam were carried out. The experimental results show that in the condition that the steel plate and the concrete are well bonded, the reinforcement of the bonded steel plate greatly improves the deformation resistance of the beam. Compared with the non-reinforced beam, the end of the steel plate is not bonded, Instead, the number of cycles is reduced. It also shows that in the process of strengthening the bonded steel plate, care should be taken to ensure good anchorage at the ends of the steel plate so that the steel plate and the concrete are well bonded so that the steel plate can fully exert its effect.
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By means of surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT), the grain size with a diameter of about 60nm formed at about 50μm depth and numerous mechanical twin
1.左边的田鼠对中间的说:“老大,我把咱们的领地又翻了一遍,啥也没有,就剩一个干苞米粒子,还让旁边那小子抢先吃了……” 1. The left side of the voles in the middle sai