兴安盟位于内蒙古自治区东北部,大兴安岭南麓,总面积59806km~2.占地面积以山地和丘陵为主,平原面积不大.兴安盟现有水土流失面积18694km~2,占全盟总土地面积的31%,且具水力、风力和融冻侵蚀之大全,水土流失相当严重.1 “八五”期间水土保持工作开展情况兴安盟的水土保持工作起步较晚,80年代初期才组建水土保持机构.1985年“应用遥感技术调查兴安盟水土流失现状”工作顺利完成,才正式拉开我盟水保工作的序幕.1986年,盟委、行署提出并推广的“科右前旗大坝沟乡治山治水经验”,将兴安盟的水土保
Xing’an League is located in northeastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the southern foot of Daxinganling, a total area of 59806km ~ 2. Covers an area of mainly mountainous and hills, plain area is not large. Xing’an League existing soil erosion area of 18694km ~ 2, the total League land area With 31% of the total water and wind power, and erosion and erosion, and the water and soil loss is quite serious.1 The Implementation of Soil and Water Conservation During the Eighth Five-Year Plan Period Soil and water conservation in Xingan League started relatively late. Only in the early 1980s was the Soil and Water Conservation Agency In 1985, “the application of remote sensing technology to investigate the status of soil and water loss Xing’an League” work was successfully completed, I formally opened the prelude to the UNITA water and soil conservation work .1986 years, the Commission, the Administration put forward and promote the “ Flood control experience ”will Xing’an UNITA water and soil conservation