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在急斜煤层开采条件下,由于岩层受切向力大于法向力、采空区上山方向端部煤体的抽冒以及采空区下山方向受滚落矸石的充填等因素的综合作用,采场上覆岩层一般呈现出非均衡破坏特点.急斜煤层开采岩层移动也不同于缓斜煤层开采呈现出的冒落带、裂缝带和弯曲带分区特征。本文基于急斜煤层开采岩层受力特点,根据岩层弯曲变形假设、岩体拉张破坏准则,分析了急斜煤层开采岩层的破坏形态及弯曲变形和滑移变形分布特征,提出了楔形破坏区和滑移变形区的岩层移动分区模型,并与相似材料模型试验和现场实测结果进行对比分析.急斜煤层非均衡破坏机理的研究为急斜煤层开采覆岩稳定性评价、地表移动预计等技术研究提供了理论基础. Under the conditions of steep coal seam mining, due to the combined effect of the tangential force greater than the normal force, the end of the mined-out area in the upward direction of the mined-out area, and the downward direction of the mined-out area by the falling waste rock fill, The field overburden generally shows the characteristics of non-equilibrium destruction.The movement of rock in the mining of steep coal seam is also different from that of the caving zone, fracture zone and bending zone in gently inclined coal seam mining. In this paper, based on the characteristics of strata bearing capacity of steep coal seam mining, according to the assumption of rock strata deformation and the tensile failure criterion of rock mass, the destruction form of strata and the distribution characteristics of buckling deformation and slipping deformation of steep coal seam are analyzed. The model of rock movement partition in slip deformation area is contrasted and analyzed with the model test of similar materials and the field test results.The research on the mechanism of unequal failure in the steep coal seam is the research on the technology of overlying rock stability evaluation and surface movement prediction in the mining of steep coal seam Provided a theoretical basis.
我院2005年7月将丙泊酚及氯胺酮应用于人工流产术中取得满意效果,现报告如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料选择2005年7月—2011年12月妊娠7~10周孕妇2 553例,均为自愿要求人工流产
教学目的:通过学习,深刻领会推进党内基层民主建设的重大意义。充分了解我省党内基层民主建设的进展情况,努力在实践中不断探索实践党内民主的有效途径和科学方法。 Teachin
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芋又名芋头、芋艿 ,是世界各地广为栽培的蔬菜兼粮食作物。在长期利用球茎进行无性繁殖过程中 ,栽培芋已普遍受到病毒侵染 ,目前报道的芋病毒中分布最广、危害最大的是芋花叶
超甜玉米又称蔬菜玉米 ,因其味道鲜美 ,富含营养成分 ,种植效益高 ,深受广大种植者和消费者的欢迎。超甜玉米是携带有胚乳突变基因 sh2( shunken-2 )的玉米突变型 ,该基因抑