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Solid superacid catalyst SO4(2-)-WO3-ZrO2 was characterized by means of XRD,DTA-TG, and surface area measurement techniques. The dependence of the surface area, SO42- content of the catalyst on calcination temperature was measured. It was found that there is a synergy to a certain degree between SO42- and WO3 with respect to the delay of ZrO2 crystailization, the stabilization of the tetragonal ZrO2 and the enlargement of the surface area of the catalyst. The addition of WO3 is beneficial to the stabilization of SO42- and remarkably increases the stability of SO42- at high temperature. Solid superacid catalyst SO4 (2-) - WO3-ZrO2 was characterized by means of XRD, DTA-TG, and surface area measurement techniques. The dependence of the surface area, SO42- content of the catalyst on calcination temperature was measured. It was found that there is a synergy to a certain degree between SO42- and WO3 with respect to the delay of ZrO2 crystailization, the stabilization of the tetragonal ZrO2 and the enlargement of the surface area of ​​the catalyst. of SO42- and remarkably increases the stability of SO42- at high temperature.
我最铁的哥们儿现居香港,我俩的关系已经铁到不锈钢的程度。不论多久不见,他一回昆明,我们还是锃光瓦亮的一对活宝。  想当年,我俩一见面,就觉得对方一定是英雄人物,对彼此的景仰之情如同滔滔江水。可惜他老人家“江水”虽多,但数学奇差。每到期末放榜,他老妈看完数学成绩之后,必然在堂屋正中放一方凳,执行家法。差几分到90,就打几鸡毛掸子;如果喊出声音,加罚10下。  有一年期末,他不敢送那“死定了”的成绩单
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