How to Meet the Artist Painting Pictures on Tea Bags 如何邂逅在茶叶包上作画的艺术家

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  What do you do with a used tea bag? Throw it in the trash without any second thought?
  Not Ruby Silvious. The Philippines-born, US-based artist has found an smart way to regenerate1 used tea bags into amazingly intricate2 works of art.
  The inspiration3 for her watercolor paintings comes from destinations4 around the world and the sights and sounds of her everyday life.

Unusual canvas5


  “As an artist you’re always trying to find unique6 ways of expressing your art, and I think this is where all these materials thrown away as canvases came to light,” Silvious tells CNN Travel.
  The idea for this project was born, naturally, over tea. Silvious was discussing art projects with her sister when the idea came up, and she soon began experimenting.
  Perfecting the art of painting on tea bags was a question of try and mistake—and Silvious had to stick to it.
  “You have to see all my failed experiments,” Silvious says. “I never throw anything out, I try to recycle them as well.”
  But once Silvious tried to use watercolor on the used tea bags, she didn’t look back.
  She says she loves that they’re small and they’re easy to take and manage.
  She began sharing her unique designs on her Instagram page—and quickly built up a following of tea-lovers across the world.

Visit to Japan


  Silvious’ mini pictures describe her travels across the world—from the colorful streets of Italy to the splendor7 of the Eiffel Tower in Paris to the hills of Japan.
  “I’ve been lucky enough to be accepted into arts field, which required me to travel,” says Silvious. “I’ve done workshops as well which has become the reason for me to go to a country.”
  “我已经足够幸运能够进入艺术领域,它需要我去旅行,” 西尔维斯说,“我也需要参加各个国家的研讨会,这已经成为我去一个国家的原因。”
  “I was doing a series of tea bags while I was there and I called it ‘26 Days of Tea in Japan’,” she says.   她說:“我在那里做了一系列的茶包绘画,我叫它‘日本26天的茶’。”
  Japan provided plenty of creative stimulation for Silvious. “It’s all mountains and rice fields, which was surely perfect in terms of inspiration,” says Silvious.
  As well as the country’s beautiful scenery and wildlife, Silvious is also interested in Japan’s city life.
  “I wanted to do a series of subway scenes,” she says. “It’s just amazing to me how every time I would take the subway or the train in Japan, you’d see so many people sleeping on the train.”
  Silvious’ artwork isn’t just from her love of travel—her love of tea also plays an important part.
  So what’s her favorite tea to drink? “I love Earl Grey, and it does not have to be any particular brand, but it’s usually what I like,” she says. “I like green tea as well.”
  What about her favorite tea to paint on? Silvious says certain tea types are easier to paint than others.
  “Over time I have discovered all types of tea bag construction. This was not something that I had planned, but I did notice that certain tea bags were just much thinner than others,” she explains. “And then some tea bags also stain8 better than others.”
  Silvious advises against painting on camomile9, “because the tea leaves, when they’re dried, stick to the tea bag and they’re difficult to remove and difficult to paint on.”
  “I love Rooibos tea because it has these wonderful stains, and sometimes it actually creates certain designs that just inspire me to do something with it. It’s wonderful,” she says.

A year of tea


  Silvious has also compiled10 her work into an eye-catching coffee table book: 363 Days of Tea, which records a year of tea bag painting:
  “Usually the first question is, what happened to the two days? And it has to do with sometimes New Year’s resolutions11 just don’t happen very quickly, and I did not start until the third day,” she laughs.   她笑著说:“通常第一个问题是,这两天发生了什么?有时和新年计划有关系,因为新年计划不会很快实现,直到第三天我才开始我的计划。”
  The artist is now working on a follow-up, now named “Reclaimed Canvas”.
  “This will focus more on not just tea bags but other thrown away materials as well, so it will feature art on egg shells and pistachio12 shells, and all sorts of other materials,” says Silvious.
  In the meantime, Silvious is planning future travels. “I would love to do an exhibition in Italy, because I’ve never done one there. That’s on my wish list,” she says.


  1. regenerate vt.
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